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             纳博热公司简介Company Profile of Nabertherm 德国纳博热工业炉有限公司在生产电加热炉方面已有70年的历史,现在已经拥有超过270种标准化电炉,处理温度从30°C到3000°C。应用领域有:陶艺、陶瓷、MIM/CIM、太阳能光伏、实验室和牙科、金属和塑料热处理及表面处理技术、铸造、玻璃等。产品系列:真空炉、气密罐式炉、箱式炉、马弗炉、管式炉、梯度窑、钟罩式炉、台车炉、坩埚保温及熔化炉、井式炉、盐浴炉等。这些电炉广泛应用于各生产企业和各大院校及研究机构。同时,纳博热除了系列标准电炉外还能为客户度身定造特种电炉。 Nabertherm GmbH have been developing and producing industrial furnaces for many different applications for 70 years and have over 270 types of furnaces with processing temperature from 30°C to 3000°C. Nabertherm furnaces could be used in arts & crafts, advanced materials, MIM/CIM, solar photovoltaic, research & laboratory, thermal process technology, foundry as well as glass. Nabertherm furnaces include chamber-, vacuum-, gas tight retort-, muffle-, tube-, crucible melting and holding-, gradient-, shaft-, top-hat-, bogie hearth furnaces, etc. These furnaces are widely used in domestic production enterprises and universities and research institutions. At the same time, the flexibility of Nabertherm is available for both standard series & tailor-made solution.德国纳博热工业炉有限公司于1999年在上海成立代表处,并于2005年11月成立了纳博热(上海)工业炉有限公司,是德国纳博热工业炉有限公司在中国的唯一独资子公司,主要从事纳博热工业炉在中国地区的销售及售后服务。通过自身的不断努力和新老客户的大力支持,纳博热电炉在各个领域得到了大量的应用,并且以其优良的产品质量和优质的服务得到了客户的充分肯定。此外,纳博热的团队在这几年间也在不断的扩大。除了上海公司外,我们已经在北方设立了北京办事处,在南方设立了深圳办事处(含售后服务工程师),在华中设立了武汉办事处(含售后服务工程师)。在售后服务方面,我们在中国有着专职的售后服务工程师,竭尽全力提供给客户最完善的技术支持和售后服务。 Nabertherm GmbH Shanghai representative office was set up in 1999; Nabertherm (Shanghai) Industrial Furnaces Co., Ltd. was set up in November, 2005, as a wholly owned foreign invested company and the only subsidiary in China of Nabertherm GmbH, which is responsible for the sales and after sales of Nabertherm furnaces in China. Through our continuous efforts and the great supports from our new and old customers, Nabertherm furnaces get a number of applications in different fields, and with the excellent quality and our excellent service we obtained the customer’s fully affirmed. In this few years our team has also been expanded. In addition to the Shanghai Company, we have set up the Beijing office in the north, the Shenzhen office in the south, and the Wuhan office in the middle of China. About after-sales service, we have a professional after-sales team in China and try our best to offer the best technical support and after-sales service.


