血液样品 组织样品中汞、液体汞、总汞、汞含量检测方案(测汞仪)

检测样品 全血/血清/血浆

检测项目 汞、液体汞、总汞、汞含量

关联设备 共4种 下载方案


尿样和血液样等样品中的汞浓度,一般要高出背景值数十倍之多本;对汞的测定来讲,血液中基质更为复杂。同时,测定汞在人体组织中的作用时,通过血液诊断是最重要的手段。在绝大多数国家,需要定期检查汞生产设施的人员血液中汞含量,正常不应超过20~50μg/L,而在未长期接触汞蒸气的人员,血液中汞的含量通常为1~3μg/L。采用“冷蒸汽原子吸收光谱法”技术实现液体样品(水样、血液、尿样) 的快速分析,利用同步控制吸附剂进行的无选择性汞的预富集堆积。分析液体和固体样品,带有配件的装置在冷蒸汽和热解法选择检测样品中的汞原子。仪器的技术特点简化了样品前处理,并能在相当低的检出限内分析复杂化合物样品,而且大大改善了分析的重复性和准确性。


DETERMINATION OF TOTAL MERCURY CONTENT IN BLOOD BY CVAAS INTRODUCTION Blood is one of the most complex substances for determination of the Hg content. At the same time, blood is the most important diagnostic medium used for monitoring the effect of Hg vapor on the human organism. In almost all the countries, personnel of mercury-involving production facilities are regularly examined for the Hg content in blood, which should not exceed 20–50 g/l, whereas in the case of a person unexposed to mercury vapor the blood normally contains 1–3 g/l of Hg. MEASUREMENT METHOD Determination of the Hg content in blood involves microwave digestion of the sample and reducing Hg cations in the digested sample by a SnCl2 solution in a bubbler of the RP-92 attachment (“cold vapor” method), followed by the AAS determination of atomic mercury in the multipath cell of a RA915M mercury analyzer. MEASUREMENT RANGE Detection limit 0.5 g/l Upper limit of the measurement range 100 g/l (without dilution) Blood sample volume 0.5 ml Air flow rate 4 l/min ANALYSIS FEATURES Analysis is done with preliminary sample digestion in a microwave digester, which greatly reduces the consumption of chemical reagents and the sample preparation time; a small signal from the blank sample substantially lowers the detection limit. Mercury determination is performed without its preliminary accumulation on a gold sorbent. Wide dynamic measurement range (2 orders of magnitude without diluting the sample). The detection limit is lower than the background Hg content in blood. Visualization of the mercury release from the sample via a user-friendly computer interface. Stable calibration coefficient. EQUIPMENT AND REAGENTS The following equipment and materials are used for analysis: Mercury analyzer RА-915М with PR-92 attachment; PC with Windows® ХР/Vista/7/8 and RAPID software; SRM of mercury. EXAMPLES OF ANALYSIS Sample Hg content, g/l Average, g/l RSD, % Clean Check (Level-1), 2.91.0 µg/l 3.0, 2.6, 2.8, 3.6, 3.4, 2.4 3.0 15 Bl-2 (blood of a person who was exposed to mercury vapor) 6.8, 7.0, 6.1, 7.4, 6.6, 7.2 6.9 6.7 The information in this leaflet is supplemental. To get more specific information on this method, please contact the developer of this method LUMEX INSTRUMENTS Group. NORTH AMERICA Lumex Instruments Canada 0890278 B.C. Ltd. E-mail: info@lumexinstruments.com www.lumexinstruments.com EUROPE Lumex Analytics GmbH E-mail: info@lumexanalytics.de www.lumexanalytics.de RUSSIA Lumex-Marketing LLC E-mail: sales@lumex.ru www.lumexinstruments.com CHINA Beijing Lumex Analytical Equipment Co. Ltd. E-mail: lumex@lumex.com.cn www.lumexcn.com 对汞的测定来讲,血液中基质更为复杂。同时,测定汞在人体组织中的作用时,通过血液诊断是最重要的手段。在绝大多数国家,需要定期检查汞生产设施的人员血液中汞含量,正常不应超过20~50μg/L,而在未长期接触汞蒸气的人员,血液中汞的含量通常为1~3μg/L。血液中汞含量的测定包括需要在微波消解和RP-92附件的起泡器中用SNCl2溶液还原被消解样品中的汞离子,然后用冷原子吸收光谱法RA-915M测定多光程池中的原子汞。

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LUMEX INSTRUMENTS (鲁美科思分析仪器)为您提供《血液样品 组织样品中汞、液体汞、总汞、汞含量检测方案(测汞仪)》,该方案主要用于全血/血清/血浆中汞、液体汞、总汞、汞含量检测,参考标准《暂无》,《血液样品 组织样品中汞、液体汞、总汞、汞含量检测方案(测汞仪)》用到的仪器有LUMEX应急便携测汞仪RA-915M(汞分析仪)、LUMEX石墨炉原子吸收MGA-1000、LUMEX高效毛细管电泳仪Capel 205、LUMEX实时荧光定量PCR AriaDNA-4。


