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检测样品 原油

检测项目 含量分析

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能量色散荧光光谱法测量油品中的硫含量。 EDXRF具有样品处理简单,方便,测量结果精度高,同时测量时间短,效率高等特点。 在油品分析方面,P-Metrix作为一款便携式荧光光谱仪,出色的完成了油品测量中硫含量的分析任务.


0.452(N) Table Of Contents 4.53 0611082102心9122 97..91121950A2949 9.7100 adenuwi 0099(Cm 1577A 16614 17378. 8430 36278111922216190293S.P 2A2A(BN627518186U Re Pla068.794dium64.886OSmium6299122(Os) 2.042(P.P12 14183.9Xenemetrox64Z203 20TheFPower toChange Energy)i)Into Information15EurODumLOs限41.529有Demo Report3369 bio dieselQuantitative analysis of Sulfur inJuly 2018限提仅一 人 5478 952.CX 飞公 Ac心 A.510(Ba 0.510(O 0.452.(N) 29 X Demo Obiective........ .P.3 P-Metrix...... ........P.4 Sample Preparation........ .P.5 Acquisition Parameters..... .P.6 Calibration curves... .P.7-9 Low concentration....... .P.8 High concentration. .P.9 Resu ts.... P.10-12 Low concentrations ....P.11 High concentration.......... .P.12 仪仅限人 Summary....... 3.lP.13 5434 577OY 心 0.51010 Sample Description 8 samples with known concentrations were used to create acalibration curve for Sulfur in bio-diesek Customer Requirements: Quantitative analysis of Sufur inythelunknown samples Additional 7 unknown samples arrived for sulfur quantification限有 Tested Machine: P-Metrix (SDOLLA Tub成e anu 952 577OY 8.51010) 99 A.510 (Ba 心3 0.452(N 29 1951 P-Metrix,EDXRF analyzer, provides accurate determination oftrace to percent levels of elements in fuels-ofls and ubricants.Our superior solutions cover the fullproduction process,fromresearch and development stage up to processing/and qualitycontrol. P-Metrix offer the ultimate hon-destructive solution inelemental analysis applicatiohs,- 仪限仅 5474B父 A.952C 0.51010) 629 for the standards Sample preparation was not neededFor unknown samples No 1, 2, 3 an heating at 40isnecessary for complete dissolution For samples No 4, 5, 6, 7 sample preparatior is not needed Sample cup Standard (30.7mm) Film Proline 4um sampleamount ut Weigh 4 ml +/-0.05ml Preparation method none acu 952 0.510OY Titanium thin filter was used to obtain betterS/N (signal tonoise) ratio. AcquisitionFilterHigh Voltage (KV)ecc400Emission currentlime (Sec)600-EnvironmentHeRange40ThroughoutHigh A公 au 95258 5A4 0577OY 4.510 (Ba 0.510101 0452(N) 心3 199 2N 0300 133 1951 Calibrat on 仅限Curves 5A74 95258 4.510 (Ba 0.5101O) 0.452.N 4 standards were used to calibrate Sulfur in lowconcentrations (2-25 PPM) A very good correlation was achieved(R=0.999) Intensity 2146.25 547 95258 4.510(Ba 0.51010) 0452(N) 3 standards were used to calibrate SulfuLin highconcentrations (56-230 PPM) / A very good correlation was achieved(R~1.000 Element Units Std.Dey. RSD Correlation 95258 5A14 0.51010 6294 19920NKG 33 33 1951 Res 网 仪限仅 技科成捷宁 Samples No 4,5,6,7 were suitable for quantification at lowconcentrations calibration curve It can be seen that those samples are look brighter- lessconcentrated than samples No 12,3 Concentration Sample Intensity [CPS] PRM1 公限有 45 4 2872 13.46 A0 35 40 5 3681 19.63 22 -0 6 2208 8.40 7 1.61 1l Results- High Concentrations Samples No 1,2,3 were suitable for quantification at highconcentrations calibration curve It can be seen that those samples looks than samples No4,5,6,7 限有Concentratiom 5470 32 952. 0.51010 1951 P-Metrix can detect and quantify Sulfur in bio diesel down to2PPM Measuring of Sulfur in bio diesel usipg ED-XRF is easy andreiable: Q No sample preparation needed Non destructive Fast results -10 minutes STD:±0.7PPM(for9.5PPM) 2 calibration curves creater for quantification sulfur in biodiesel, a good correlations were achieved 7 unknowncamplesmeasured using the calibration curve P-Metrix was found an appropriate instrument for thisapplication info@xenemetrix.comwww.xenemetrix.com enemetrix confidential information 能量色散荧光光谱法测量油品中的硫含量。EDXRF具有样品处理简单,方便,测量结果精度高,同时测量时间短,效率高等特点。在油品分析方面,P-Metrix作为一款便携式荧光光谱仪,出色的完成了油品测量中硫含量的分析任务.

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辽宁捷成科技有限公司为您提供《油品中硫含量检测方案(能散型XRF)》,该方案主要用于原油中含量分析检测,参考标准《暂无》,《油品中硫含量检测方案(能散型XRF)》用到的仪器有Xenemetrix 便携式能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪 P-Metrix。


