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检测样品 光学材料

检测项目 光谱

关联设备 共2种 下载方案


当手性化合物用非偏振光激发时,可以测量左旋和右旋圆偏振光发射强度的差异。这种现象被称为圆偏振发光(CPL)。圆二色性提供了手性分子基态的信息,而CPL光谱则探测手性分子的激发态。 本申请说明演示了使用两种互补技术测量和分析樟脑醌:圆二色性和圆偏振发光。 关键词:圆偏振发光,圆二色性,CD-0031,材料


通过将CPL与ECD相结合,可以获得更多关于手性分子的结构信息。为了以高分辨率测量尖锐的CPL峰值,CPL光谱仪使用两个棱镜单色仪。发射和激发单色仪都配备了连续可变的狭缝驱动器,可以选择适当的波长和带宽。Application NoteCD-0031 CPL Measurement of Camphorquinone Using CPL-3002/3Application NoteCircularly Polarized Luminescence Spectrometer CPL Measurement of Camphorquinone Using CPL-300Circularly Polarized Luminescence Spectromete r When c hir al com p ound s are excited wit h un p olar iz ed l i ght the dif f e renc e i n em i ssion i n t e n s i t ie s of lef t- a n d r ight -ha n ded circularly polar iz e d l ight can be meas u red. T h is phe n ome n on is called circularly polar i zed l uminescence (CPL). While ci r cular dich r oism provides informa t i on about the ground state of chiral molecules, CPL spectroscopy probes t h e excited states of ch ir al molecules . CPL-300 C ir cularly Po l arized Lumi n escence Spectro p hotomete r By combining CPL wit h ECD, mor e st ru ctural in formation r e gardi n g chiral mol e cul e s ca n b e obta in ed. To m easur e s h arp CPL p e aks at a high resolut i on, the CPL spect r ometer uses two p r i sm monoc h romators. Bot h the emission and excitation monoc h romators are equipped with cont i nuously variable slit drives, w h ich allow f or an appropr i a t e wavelengt h and band width s e l e ct i on T h is application n ote demonstrates t he measurement a n d analysis of camphorquinone u sing two complime n tary t e c h niqu e s : c ir cular dichroism and c i rcularly pola rize d lumin e sc e nce. Keywords C ir cu l ar l y p o la r ized lu m in es c en c e, C ir cu l a r d ichr o i sm, CD-0031, M aterials 28600 Ma r y 's C ou r t, Easton, M D 21601 US A Experimen t al 18 mM of (1R)-(-)-and (1S )-(+)-ca mph o r q u i n on e w as prepared in e th a n o l . CD CPL Data Pitch 0.1nm Excitation Wavelength 440 nm Scan Speed 50 nm/min Excitation Bandwidth 16nm D.I.T. 2 sec Data Pitch 0.1nm Bandwidth 1nm Emission Bandwidth 10 mm Accumulations 1 Scan Speed 50 nm/min D.I.T. 4 sec Accumulations 16 Results The CPL and f luorescence spectra of (1R)-(-)- and (1S)-(+)-camphorquinone were measured using a CPL-300, while CD and absorpt i on were collected using a J-1500. The CD and CPL sig n als were norma l ized as ga bs =A e/e a n d gj m =AI/l,r espect i ve l y. T h e spect r a are shown i n Figu r e 1. Figure 1. Th e (a ) CD and C P L s pec t ra , (b) a b sor ba n c e and f luor es c en c e sp e c t ra , a n d (c)g and gspe c tra o f t h e (1R)-(-)-(bluere d ) an d (1S )-(+)-(bl u er ed) camph or q u in one et h anol s ol u t ion . 28600 Mary's Cour t , E a s to n , M D 21601US A Appl i c a t i on Note C onclusion The results are in good agreement with t h e camphorquinone CPL spectrum previously reported. 1. Chun Ka L u k and F . S . Ric h ardson , JACS. 1974, 96,2006-2009 28600 Mary's Cour t , E a s to n , M D 21601US A

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佳士科商贸有限公司为您提供《CPL-300圆偏振发光光谱仪测定樟脑醌的CPL》,该方案主要用于光学材料中光谱检测,参考标准《暂无》,《CPL-300圆偏振发光光谱仪测定樟脑醌的CPL》用到的仪器有JASCO圆二色光谱仪CD J-1500、JASCO圆偏振荧光光谱仪CPL-300。


