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检测项目 荧光观测、极化观测、差分干扰观测、增强观察

关联设备 共3种 下载方案




红外显微镜使用几种不同的选项进行样品观察。在最简单的模式中,测量卡塞格伦也用于样品观察,在大多数情况下,这足以识别测量位置。然而,在某些情况下,样本可能缺乏细节,可能需要更多增强的观察模式。IRT-5000和IRT-7000都具有多位置物镜转塔的优点,在该转塔上可以安装选择的卡塞格伦、用于直接观察样品的透过观察的ATR和更像光学显微镜的折射物体。折射物镜可用于在使用卡塞格伦物镜或ATR进行测量之前定位和识别位置。IRT-5000和IRT-7000包括一个高分辨率CMOS相机,具有3倍光学变焦(和数字变焦),可实现最高清晰度的样本观察。为了增强观察,有几种可选的测量模式可供选择,每种模式都可以根据被分析样品的性质提供对样品的改进查看。1:荧光观测2:极化观测3:差分干扰观测Application Note280-SO-0008 Enhanced Observationin IR Microscopy2/2Application Note Enhanced Observation in IR Microscopy Intro d uc t ion IR microscopes use severa l di f ferent options for sample observat i o n . In the simplest mode the measurement cassegra i n i s a l so used fo r sample v i ewing, in most cases t h is is sufficient for identi f ying the measurement l ocation. However, i n some instance the sample may lack detail, and more enhanced observation modes may be required. The IRT-5000 and IRT-7000both have the be n efit of a multi-posit i on object i ve turret on whi ch may be mou n ted a choice of cassegrains, ATRs wit h view through observation for direct sample viewing and a r ef r active object to act more l i ke a light microscope. The r efractive objective can be used to locate and identify a location pr i or to measuremen t using the cassegrai n objective or ATR. ATR PRO ONE Spec t rometer s The IRT-5000 and IRT-7000 inc l ude a high r esolu ti o n CMOS camera with 3x opt i ca l zoom (and a d i g i tal zoom) for the highest clarity sample observation . For e n hanced observation,several optional measurement modes are avai l able, each one ca n provide improved viewing of samples depending on the prope r ties of the sample being analyzed. F luor e scenc e Obs e rvation Fluorescence i s a use f ul technique for d i ffere n tiating a sample location f or m e asurement , especial l y where they l ook similar u s i n g simple white light i llum in a t ion. By exploiting the f luorescent propert i es i t may be easier to see the differences prior to measurement . I n the example be l ow a powder sample that could not be easily ident i f ied using visible observation cou l d be seen using t h e fluorescence observation accessory (as shown i n Figu r e 1) a r egion i n a mixed protei n /sugar sample could be observed f luorescing in g r een. I n f ra r ed spectra were measured in bot h the green and black areas.Protein was identi f ied in the gree n area, and sugar was found i n the b l ack area. P o larization Ob s e rvation The use of polar i zed li g h t i n optical microscopy is well docume n ted, bi r ef r ingen t mate r i als can benefi t significantly from polarized light to enhance contra s t. I n the exam pl e below a stretc h ed vinyl sample was used (Figu r e 2), th e st r etc h ed area wh i c h has very lit t l e co n trast under si mp le un-polar i zed white l i ght can be seen in a number of st r ata when v i ewed with polar i zed light . Pola r izat i on i s ext r emely useful for observ in g samples wit h orienta t ed structu r es. Figure 2. V i s ib le Observation V i ew (L) and Po la ri z a t i o n O b servation View (R Di f feren t ial I n t er f erence Obse r va t ion Differential I nterfe r ence Contrast (DIC) uses two orthogonal l y polarized light beams, which i n terfere to provide contrast i n objects that appear flattened when observed with s i mple u n -pola ri zed wh i te li ght. I t can be applied to biolog i cal and non-biological samples. In the example be l ow, a printed circuit board was measured u s ing standard observat i on and DIC observatio n ; uneven points and scratches on the sample were more clearly observed using DIC. Figure 3. V i sib l e Observat i on View (L) and D i ffere n tial I n ter f e r e n ce Observa ti on View (R) JASCO USA 28600 Mary's Cour t , E a s to n , M D 21601US A USGO T el : (800) 333-5272, Fa x : (410) 822-7526 A ppl ic a tio n Lib r ary: ja s c o i n c.com /appli c a t i o ns

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佳士科商贸有限公司为您提供《FTIR显微镜增强观察》,该方案主要用于其他中荧光观测、极化观测、差分干扰观测、增强观察检测,参考标准《暂无》,《FTIR显微镜增强观察》用到的仪器有JASCO红外显微镜IRT-7200、jasco红外显微镜(IRT-5200)、JASCO FTIR-4000傅立叶变换红外光谱仪。


