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检测样品 工业气体

检测项目 体积分数,初级粒径

关联设备 共3种 下载方案


Auto-Compensating LII (AC-LII) 􀁺 two-color pyrometry to determine the particle temperature — permits use of low-fluence — particles are kept below the sublimation temperature 􀁺 this new technique automatically compensates for any changes in the experimental conditions — fluctuations in local ambient temperature — variation in laser fluence — laser beam attenuation by the particulate matter — desorption of condensed volatile material AC-LII Features 􀁺in situ and nonintrusive 􀁺 signal is proportional to soot volume fraction 􀁺spatially resolved 􀁺 time resolved 􀁺 large measurement range — not limited by aggregate size 􀁺high precision and repeatability 􀁺 high speed data acquisition and analysis AC-LII Benefits 􀁺dilution of sample not required 􀁺stable measurement of elemental carbon 􀁺 insensitive to presence of other species 􀁺can operate at very low concentrations 􀁺real-time results 􀁺cycle-resolved measurements possible 􀁺can provide particulate morphology (size, size distribution, number density) when combined with scattering


Application of Auto-Compensating Laser-Induced Incandescence好 (AC-LII) to Measuring Particulate Emissions GregoryJ. Smallwood Peter O. Witze William D. Bachalo National Research Council Sandia National Laboratories Artium Technologies, Inc. Auto-Compensating LII (AC-LII) etwo-color pyrometry to determine theparticle temperaturepermits use of low-fluence AC-LII Features 一particles are kept below the sublimationtemperatureo this new technique automaticallyucompensates for any changes in theexperimental conditions- fluctuations in local ambient temperaturevariation in laser fluencelaser beam attenuation by the particulatematterdesorption of condensed volatile material e in situ and nonintrusiveesignal is proportional to soot volumefraction·spatially resoivedo time resolvedelarge measurement rangeie- not limited by aggregate size·high precision and repeatabilityehigh speed data acquisition and analysisAC-LII Benefitsedilution of sample not requiredestable measurement of elemental carboninsensitive to presence of other speciesecan operate at very low concentrationsereal-time resultsecycle-resolved measurements possible*can provide particulate morphology (size size distribution, number density) when combined with scattering Artium Technologies LII Instrument 1qouantitative measurement of soot:-concentration · 1 ppt-10 ppm· measurement range>1,000,000:1primary particle diameter· typically 5-50 nmaactive surtace area·50-200m/g- number density of primary particlesabsolute intensity (patented)-NIST-traceable calibration procedurereal-time two-colour pyrometry(patented)- particle temperaturelaser beam profile (patent pending)nP- uniform heatinglow laser fluence (patent pending)- no sublimation Light Duty Diesel: Free-Acceleration Accelerator position snapped from 0% to28%;no load Ensembleaveraged free acceleration me8: 片WY ps On-Road LII Measurements ofSoot Frecway acceleration to 67mph wwiwww Timeseconds Pedal-to-the-metal Summary eworks well for on-road measurements -rugged,reliable, repeatable eset-up and running in ~2hours eeconomical -unattended operation eonly unanticipated problem was heat due to electrical generator Sunnyvale, CA, USA Peak Power 74.6 KW (@ 180D rpm) Heavy Duty Diesel: Steady-State AVL Soot Concentration {mgim3) LIl Soot Concentration {pppbj LII and AVL Smoke Meter correlate well NO, vs. LII Soot Tradeoff over a wide range of engine conditions more than two orders of magnitude eLII used to rapidly measure soot variation in concentration concentrations over wide range of EGR rates at 8 modes evidence suggests that SOF plays a role, particularly at mode 1 permits rapidengine optimization Diesel SUV: Chassis Dynamometer Detail Summary ● AC-LII -provides an independently-calibrated technique based on sound physics to determine the volume fraction of elemental carbon in particulate emissions -is immune to interference from other species, such as volatiles the instrument based upon AC-LII -correlates well with other techniques, including dry gravimetric measurements -provides excellent sensitivity (<0.2 mg/mi) -has unprecedented temporal response, reliably following transients - has a wide measurement range - is applicable to both raw and diluted exhaust - is rugged enough for on-board measurements - continuous, unattended operation is a powerful feature

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北京欧兰科技发展有限公司为您提供《碳烟中体积分数,初级粒径检测方案(烟气分析仪)》,该方案主要用于工业气体中体积分数,初级粒径检测,参考标准《暂无》,《碳烟中体积分数,初级粒径检测方案(烟气分析仪)》用到的仪器有激光诱导白炽光(LII)烟气分析仪、PLIF平面激光诱导荧光火焰燃烧检测系统、Imager SX PIV相机。


