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本文详细阐述了如何使用日立新型质谱检测器同时检测包括马来酸,戊酸,丁酸,丙酸,乳酸等在内的六种有机酸。 Chromaster 5610质谱检测器特点: 1) 不需要排气管道  因为最大限度地控制了从质谱检测器的排放废弃体积,所以不需要排气管道。 (*测量有毒物质等时,还需要排气管道。) 2) 紧凑的设计,实现了和LC同等的安装面积 可以安装在常规的实验台上。 3) 降低N2的使用量 通过减少引进离子源的溶剂量,N2最大使用量3ml/min,大大降低成本。 (也可使用N2发生器或N2高压罐)


HITACHIInspire the NextTechnical ReportAS/MSD-008 Liquid ChromatographC2015 Hitachi High-Tech Science Corporation Analysis of Organic Acids by MS Detector chromaster 5610 MS Detector is a mass detector with new concept, designed for LC users, andit is different from conventional mass spectrometers. Organic acids greatly affect the tastes andflavors of foods and therefore, are frequently analyzed for the purpose of research anddevelopment, quality control, etc. In addition to food products, various products such as drugs,culture liquids, plating solutions, and cosmetics are being analyzed. This time, six organic acidsare separated by using a HILIC column and detected by Chromaster 5610 MS detector, and theexample is introduced here. 5610 MS Detector LC-MS Analysis of 6 Organic Acids Table 2 Analytical Conditions for HPLC Column Inertsil HILIC (3 um)4.6 mml.D. x250 mm Mobile phase CH,OH/ 10 mmol/L CH,COONH4=90/10 Flow rate 1.0 mL/min (250:1 sprit) Injection vol. 10pL Figure 1 Mass Spectra and SIM Chromatograms of 6 Organic Acids

Chromaster 5110 Pump, 5210 Autosampler, 5310 Column Oven, 5610 MS Detector NOTE: These data are an example of measurement; the individual values cannot be guaranteed. @Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation www.hitachi-hightech.com/global/science/

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