
检测样品 汽车电子电器

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INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS PUBLISHINGMEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYMeas. Sci. Technol. 16 (2005) 1083-1091doi:10.1088/0957-0233/16/5/006 H Bladh et al Flame propagation visualization in aspark-ignition engine using laser-inducedfluorescence of cool-flame species H Bladh, C Brackmann, P Dahlander, I Denbratt²and P-E Bengtsson Division of Combustion Physics, Lund Institute of Technology, PO Box 118, SE-22100 Lund, Sweden Thermo and Fluid Dynamics, Chalmers University of Technology,SE-41296 Gothenburg,Sweden E-mail: Henrik.Bladh@forbrf.lth.se Received 8 October 2004, in final form 10 January 2005Published 22 March 2005Online at stacks.iop.org/MST/16/1083 Abstract The flame propagation in a spark-ignition engine has been studied usinglaser-induced fluorescence (LIF) of species formed during the first ignitionstage of hydrocarbon combustion. The detected two-dimensional LIFimages showed the distribution of unburned regions. For the excitation, twoNd:YAG lasers operating at 355 nm were used for two consecutivemeasurements within the same engine cycle with adjustable time separationbetween the pulses. Two ICCD cameras that were synchronized to each ofthe laser pulses recorded pairs of fluorescence images,i.e. the movement ofthe flame front could be tracked. It is well known that formaldehyde isexcited using a wavelength of 355 nm and a spectral signature of this specieswas also identified in engine LIF spectra. Programme routines weredeveloped and used for evaluation of the flame propagation velocity fromthe fluorescence images. This paper presents the potential and thecharacteristics of the experimental technique as well as the evaluationprocedure. The measurements of cool-flame intermediates have also beencompared with measurements of fuel-tracer as an indicator of unburnedfuel-air mixture. A good agreement between position and shape of thesignal areas was obtained at crank angles where both fluorescence signalfrom cool-flame species excited at 355 nm and added 3-pentanone excited at 266nm could be detected. Keywords: combustion diagnostics, laser-induced fluorescence,spark-ignition engine, flame propagation Optical methods have for a long time been useful toolsfor experimental investigations of combustion in internalcombustion engines, and especially the use of laser-baseddiagnostic methods has during the last decades mademeasurements of species, temperature, gas flow, dropletsand particles possible with high spatial as well as temporalresolution. Among the laser-based methods, laser-inducedfluorescence (LIF) has been widely used for species detection [1-3]. The method is species specific for smaller moleculesand two favourable characteristics of the technique are thepossibilities of detecting species of low concentration, such ascombustion intermediates, and of performing two-dimensionalimaging measurements. The method also has limitations, forinstance the species selectivity is partly lost with increasingmolecular size for molecules such as aldehydes, ketones andpolyaromatic hydrocarbons with broad featureless absorptionand fluorescence spectra. Moreover, the fluorescence yield isdependent on local conditions such as temperature, pressure and composition, which makes quantitative measurementsdifficult. The oxidation of many hydrocarbon fuels, such as themixture of n-heptane and iso-octane used in the present study,occurs through a two-stage ignition process [4]. In thefirst stage, intermediate species such as formaldehyde areproduced in the cool-flame chemistry. These intermediatesare then consumed during the second stage in the continuingcombustion chemistry. Hence, the presence of cool-flame species such as formaldehyde indicates the onset ofhydrocarbon oxidation in the unburned fuel-oxidant mixture.The detection of formaldehyde by laser-induced fluorescencehas been performed in flames [5-8] as well as in internalcombustion engines [9-15]. The absorption bands offormaldehyde exist from the near UV region to down below300 nm [16-19]. One convenient possibility from anexperimental point of view is to use the third harmonic ofa conventional Nd:YAG laser at the wavelength of 355 nm forthe excitation of formaldehyde [20]. This is the alternative thathas been used in the present work. Although this wavelengthdoes not overlap with the strongest molecular transitions,single-shot images with relatively high signal-to-noise ratiohave been obtained in engines [12, 13, 20]. However, itis important to note that the fluorescence signal obtained inengine measurements using excitation at 355 nm may notsolely be due to formaldehyde. Other intermediates are formedat the first ignition stage and may give spectral fluorescencecontributions. Normally,a laser-induced fluorescence experiment isbased on a pulsed laser having a repetition rate of tens ofHz. This means that only one measurement can be performedper cycle for engines run at a few thousand revolutions perminute. One possibility of performing two measurementswithin an engine cycle is to use a laser system which canbe operated in double-pulse mode, but this alternative haslimitations concerning the time separation that can be obtainedwith adequate pulse energy. Hence,laser-based cycle-resolvedstudies generally require the use of setups with multiplelasers and detectors. Engine measurements on combustionintermediates using dual lasers and detectors have beenpresented in several papers [10, 14, 15]. These measurementswere performed in a two-stroke research engine with a side-valve configuration and optical access from the top. Thisconfiguration provided optical access to the entire combustionchamber and enabled studies of phenomena occurring nearthe walls, in this case the development of exothermic centres,which may lead to the phenomenon of engine knock. In contrast to those studies, the present work was carriedout with a more realistic engine geometry consisting of apent-roof top with four valves and a centred spark plug. Theexperimental setup consisted of two Nd:YAG lasers with anadjustable time separation between the pulses, and two ICCDcameras, each synchronized with one of the lasers. This setupmade it possible to detect two images of the spatial distributionof cool-flame intermediates within the same engine cycle,fromwhich the flame propagation could be evaluated. The paperpresents and discusses the experimental procedure togetherwith the image analysis. Figure 1. (a) The laser beam arrangement in the experimentalsetup. The two Nd:YAG laser sheets at the wavelength 355 nmentered and exited the combustion chamber through a quartz ringinserted as a part of the cylinder liner. (b) Detection setup, wherethe fluorescence signal was collected through the piston via themirror onto the two detectors by use of a beam splitter. 2. Experimental details The measurements presented in this study were all performedin a port-injected AVL 5411 single-cylinder research engineoperated with a compression ratio of 8.5. The bore was83 mm and the stroke 90 mm, resulting in a swept volumeof 487 cm3. The engine top was a VOLVO B5244 with apent-roof geometry, equipped with four valves and the sparkplug located at the centre of the pent-roof. Optical accessto the combustion chamber was provided through windowsin the pent-roof top, through a quartz ring in the upper partof the cylinder liner, and through a window in the flat piston.The fuel consisted of a mixture of n-heptane and iso-octane at aresearch octane number (RON) of 60, i.e. 60% iso-octane and40% n-heptane. The inlet pressure was 2.7 bar and the inlettemperature was 30 °C for all cases if not stated otherwise.The engine was run at a constant speed of 1200 rpm, which issynchronized with the 10 Hz repetition rate of the lasers. Theengine pressure was registered with a water-cooled pressuretransducer mounted in the pent-roof. Parts of the engine andthe setup are depicted in figure 1. The wavelength 355 nm from two Nd:YAG lasers(Spectra Physics Quanta-Ray Lab 170/10 2000L and QuantelYG781C) was used for the LIF experiments. The laser Figure 2. The view through the piston as viewed by the ICCDcameras. The inner circle indicates the boundary of the viewablearea and the LIF measurement region is indicated by the rectangle. beams entered the combustion chamber through the quartz ringinserted as a part of the cylinder liner. The fluorescence wasdetected through the window in the piston and the observablearea was 65 mm in diameter. The difference between thisand the bore of 83 mm is due to the steel wall of the piston,which limits the view. The view through the piston is shown infigure 2, where the rectangle indicates the area correspondingto the LIF images presented in this paper. An aluminium mirrorlocated below the piston reflected the fluorescence signal ontoa beam splitter, which in turn divided it into two separateICCD cameras (LaVision Flamestar II). The cameras had 14 bitresolution and CCD chips consisting of 384×576 pixels. The laser beams were aligned in separate optical pathsthat overlapped inside the combustion chamber, as illustratedin figure 1(a). This arrangement was made to circumvent areduction in pulse energy in each beam, which would resultif the beams were aligned into one single path using dichroicbeamsplitters.The small angle of incidence that was used(~0.9°) caused the measurement volumes to be marginallydifferent for the two laser beams. This was not considered aproblem since it only affected the position of the edges of thelaser sheets by a few mm. The engine crank angle meter triggered two pulsegenerators (Stanford DG535), which in turn triggered thelasers and the ICCD cameras. The setup with two separateNd:YAG lasers allowed for the time separation betweenthe pulses from the two lasers to be set arbitrarily. The ICCDcameras could not operate at the 10 Hz repetition rate of thelasers and were limited to a rate of approximately 1 Hz. Two initial experimental investigations were performed,a spectral investigation of the fluorescence and a measurementto determine the location inside the combustion chamberwhere the fluorescence most likely occurred. The spectralinvestigation was performed using a spherical lens of f=100 mm to collect the fluorescence to the slit of an f =150 mm Acton Research spectrometer equipped with a gratingwith 300 grooves mm-. In figure 3 an accumulated LIFspectrum is shown from the engine measurements (a) togetherwith two LIF spectra from measurements on formaldehyde ina cell ((b) and (c)) previously presented by Metz et al [21].The cell spectra were measured at a pressure of 5 bar andthe temperatures were 420 K (b) and 770 K (C).For the Figure 3. Laser-induced fluorescence spectra after excitation at355 nm. (a) Obtained in the engine at -3 CAD, (b) obtained in acell with formaldehyde vapour at 420 K and 5 bar, and (c) obtainedin the cell at 770 K and 5 bar. accumulated engine spectrum the mean pressure was 25 bar.The engine spectrum is less resolved than the cell spectra,but nevertheless small peaks can be identified in the enginespectrum at spectral positions, which correspond well tothose of the formaldehyde cell spectra. This indicates thatformaldehyde is a major contributor to the LIF signal, but fromthe appearance of the engine spectrum contributions from otherspecies cannot be excluded. A comparison between the spectrain figures 3(b) and (c) indicates that the spectral resolutionof the formaldehyde peaks is partly lost with increasingtemperature. This effect together with the elevated pressure inthe engine, possible fluorescence from other species and thespectrometer slit function may account for the less resolvedengine spectrum. It is well known that formaldehyde is excitedat 355 nm [20], and since formaldehyde can be identified as apart of the detected LIF signal we will further on refer to thissignal as the formaldehyde signal. To identify the region in the combustion chamberwhere the formaldehyde signal was most likely to appear,measurements were performed using a laser sheet of ~7.5 cmcovering the whole cylinder cross section. The whole viewthrough the piston window was imaged using a Nikon f=50 mm camera lens. It was concluded that the LIF signalwas mainly located in the region of the measurement volumeclosest to the inlet ports. 'This corresponds to the indicatedupper half of the viewable area depicted in figure 2. Thepresence of the signal in this region can be explained by thetumbling fluid motion within the combustion chamber, whichconvects the flame towards the exhaust valves, resulting inan end-gas region mainly located on the opposite side, nearthe inlet valves. Following these results it was possible touse laser sheets, approximately 4 cm wide, covering onlythe indicated region in figure 2.2.(Concentrating the lasersheets onto this region ensured higher power densities inthe probe volume resulting in higher signal-to-noise ratiosin the images. The laser pulse energies were ~50 mJ.Atsuch high energies, laser-induced photo-chemistry may cause the laser pulse in the first measurement to influence theresult of the second. To establish if this phenomenon waspresent for the chosen pulse energies, engine measurementswere carried out with a time separation between the laserpulses of 3 us only, corresponding to 0.02 crank angles at1200 rpm. This time separation was chosen long enoughto isolate the laser pulses from each other, and still shortenough for the measurements to be considered as simultaneouscompared to the time-scale of the engine combustion cycle,i.e. the measurements were considered quasi-simultaneous.The image pairs captured during these measurements showedsimilar signal distributions, which indicates that laser-inducedphoto-chemistry was not an issue. The smaller region of interest also made it possible toachieve a higher magnification in the images using Nikonf= 105 mm objectives. By focusing on a grid pattern placedon the top of the quartz glass of the piston, the ICCD camerasand the beam splitter could be aligned spatially to obtainpixel-to-pixel correspondence. The use of a grid also provideda scale for determination of the spatial resolution,which wasestimated to be 120 um/pixel.Long-pass filters (SchottGG385) were used to suppress scattered radiation at the laserwavelength and the gate widths of the ICCD cameras were setto 50 ns to suppress continuous background. During engine operation the temperature of the cylinderwall and the piston increases, causing thermal stress on theoptical parts. The AVL engine could therefore not be operatedcontinuously longer than approximately half a minute. Thismade it impossible to reach steady-state operation and allmeasurements were performed in several series, each duringa short time interval. In every measurement series 20 imagepairs were captured together with the pressure traces for thesame engine cycles. In addition, a comparative study with fluorescence fromnascent formaldehyde (excited at 355 nm) and fluorescencefrom the fuel tracer 3-pentanone was performed. ]For thispurpose the RON 60 fuel was doped with 6% 3-pentanone ona volume basis and the tracer was excited using the wavelength266 nm from one of the Nd:YAG lasers. The lasersheet widthswere set to ~2 cm to further enhance the power densities inthe probe volume, and the pulse energies were ~40 mJ in bothbeams. These measurements were made with the 3 us timeseparation between the pulses previously described as quasi-simultaneous.The intention of these measurements was toestablish that fluorescence in both cases originated from thesame areas and to compare the techniques as markers for theunburned fuel region. 3. Image evaluation procedure The data evaluation followed the scheme depicted in figure 4and an example of a formaldehyde LIF image that was analysedis shown in figure 5. In this image both the signal regioncorresponding to the unburned gas region and the dark regioncorresponding to the burned gas region are clearly shown.The laser light is entering from the right in the picture, andstreaks can be observed in the signal area in the left part ofthe image. Such streaks are caused by spatial redistribution ofthe intensity in the laser sheet due to density gradients in the Figure 4. Chart illustrating the steps of the data evaluationprocedure. Figure 5. Formaldehyde LIF image obtained at -2 CAD in theengine showing the unburned gas region in the engine. A signal areacan be seen located in the vicinity of the inlet valves (see figure 2). flame front, and have previously been presented, for examplein [14]. Together with each set of image pairs taken duringa measurement series, background images were collectedrunning the engine motored. These background images didalways, but to a varying degree, contain incandescence andfluorescence from deposits and oil on the engine ceilingand windows.To be able to compensate for the spatialintensity distribution in the laser sheets, LIF measurementswere performed on fluorescing dye in a cuvette. The cuvettewas positioned on the top of the optical piston at the locationof the laser sheets, with the engine top removed. In thisway both the sheet-forming optics and the detection setupwere in the same position as during the engine measurements.During evaluation the images obtained from the fluorescingdye were used to extract intensity profiles across the lasersheets and the images from the engine measurements werelater compensated by dividing them with these profiles. Sincethe profile measurements and the engine measurements werenot carried out simultaneously, potential variations of the laser Figure 6. The intensity level histogram (below) of the marked areain the LIF image (above). The x-values correspond to certaindiscrete intensity values, and the y-values correspond to the numberof pixels in the image that have this intensity value. profile during the measurement series, or indeed fluctuationsbetween individual pulses could not be accounted for. The firststeps of the image evaluation included background subtraction,laser profile compensation and if necessary also image shiftdue to slightly misaligned cameras. The evaluation of the flame propagation velocity requiresidentification of the contours of the signal areas in the twoformaldehyde images. The first step in this procedure wasto create binary images by selecting a threshold value on theintensity scales of the original images. To set a threshold valuefor an arbitrary image is generally not a problem if the signal-to-noise ratio is sufficiently high. However, it is not possibleto use the same absolute threshold value for both images of apair. This is because of the inherent signal level differencesoccurring as a result of using different lasers, detectors andsignal collection optics. A relative threshold must thereforebe used, related to the signal intensity values of each image.Setting the threshold as a fraction of the maximum intensity ofan image may result in errors for the cases when the maximumdoes not arise from the formaldehyde signal. For example,some images show very bright spots,probably due to scatteringand fluorescence from contaminating species such as dropletsor particles. To handle the problems described above a moredetailed treatment of the image intensity distribution usinghistograms was developed. In figure 6, the intensity distribution of parts of the imagepresented in figure 5 is shown in a histogram. It shows thenumber of pixels having a certain intensity value and twogroups of pixel intensities can be identified. The first and mostprominent group can be found at intensities of a few hundredcounts and corresponds to a low background level obtainedin the burned region and from pixels located outside the fieldof view. The second group can be found at higher intensitiestypically around 1000 counts and corresponds to the LIF signalfrom the unburned region. The threshold value is set relativeto the signal intensity distribution of this second group inthe histogram. The criteria used for threshold determinationwere set using empirical studies and depending on the choiceof parameters for the routine, somewhat different thresholdvalues are obtained. Once set, these parameters were keptconstant during the whole image evaluation process.TThethreshold values were used to create binary images from theimages obtained from the first evaluation steps. The binaryimages were then processed with a program, which extractedthe points on the contours.From a starting point on thecontour this program examines neighbouring pixels, identifiesthe gradient and traces the contour until an end point is reached.In figures 7(a) and (b) an example of such identified contoursis shown together with the two original images from the sameengine cycle. The two contours determined with this method can beused to estimate the flame propagation velocity. This is doneby determining the distance between corresponding points onthe contours and divide with the time separation between thetwo images from which the contours have been determined.Corresponding points are here defined as a pair of points, onefrom each contour of a pair, marking the position of a certainpoint on the flame front at the time of image capture.Aprogram was used to calculate the positions of a large numberof corresponding points along the flame front by using themethod of interpolation between a few corresponding pointsgiven as input. In figure 7(c) the contours from the imagesof figures 7(a) and (b) are shown together, illustrating thepropagation of the flame front. In addition the x-marks showthe corresponding points given as user input for the velocitycalculation. 4. Results Three image pairs measured using the dual laser and ICCDsetup and the engine running at close to stoichiometricconditions (a=0.97) are illustrated in figure 8..T]he firstimage of each pair was taken at -2 CAD and the second imagewas taken at -0.5 CAD. The time separation of 1.5 CAD Figure 7. Formaldehyde LIF signal images detected at(a) -2 CAD and (b)-0.5 CAD. The identified contours have been superimposed onboth images. (C) The two contours illustrated together. The corresponding points given as input for velocity calculation are indicated with Figure 8. Three image pairs of formaldehyde LIF signals obtained in the engine shown together with the identified contours and velocityfields. The first image of each pair was taken at -2 CAD and the second at -0.5 CAD. Image pairs (a) and (b) were recorded with an intaketemperature of T =30°C, whereas image pair (c) was recorded with an intake temperature of T=50 °C. corresponds to ~210 us, and was chosen as a compromisebetween higher accuracy in velocity estimation (for which alonger time separation is beneficial) and easier identificationof corresponding contour points (for which a shorter timeseparation is beneficial). Together with each image pair in figure 8 are alsoshown the identified contours and the calculated velocity fieldillustrated by arrows.The image pairs show some typicalfeatures encountered during the evaluation. For the image pairillustrated in figure 8(a) the signal detected at -2 CAD andat a pressure of 22 bar has three holes located in the rightpart of the signal area. In the image detected at -0.5 CADand 25 bar it can be seen that the holes have expanded andthe unburned mixture has been consumed from two directions.An indentation can also be seen in the region where the holeswere located in the first image.The identified contour followsthis indentation and interpreting the contour as a flame frontwill surely yield erroneous flame propagation results.The partof the contours with the large indentation must consequentlybe left out of the evaluation. In addition, it can be seen thatthe flame has propagated less in the far right part of the image,which may be due to the interaction with the fluid flow for thisparticular engine cycle. In figure 8(b) a situation is shown where the propagationhas resulted in two separate signal areas in the second image.The flame has propagated out of the piston view in part of theunburned region and therefore the flame propagation velocitycannot be evaluated along the entire contours. The registeredpressure data for these images are 24 bar at -2 CAD and27 bar at -0.5 CAD. In contrast to figures 8(a) and (b) for which the intaketemperature was 30°C,the images shown in figure 8(c) weretaken with an intake temperature of 50 C, which has theconsequence that the fuel-air mixture enters the first ignitionstage earlier. With the elevated intake temperature, generallylarger signal areas could be observed compared to imagesobtained with the lower intake temperature at the same crankangle degrees.3.For the images shown in figure 8(c) thepressures were 21 bar at -2 CAD and 24 bar at -0.5 CAD.With the exception of a small peninsula located in the left partof the image detected at-2 CAD, it is possible to evaluate theflame propagation velocity along the entire contours. The evaluated flame propagation data presented in figure 8resulted in mean speeds of (a)21 m s-, (b) 14 m s-, and(c) 15 m s-. The values are reasonable compared to flamepropagation values in a spark-ignition engine reported byHeywood [4]- The formaldehyde signal can be detected when the firstignition stage chemistry has been initiated. In our experimentsthis occurred in a limited crank angle interval around top deadcentre. The initiation of combustion in the engine variesin time, crank angle degree, during operation. This is dueto the increasing engine temperature during a measurementsequence as well as the inherent cycle-to-cycle variations ofthe engine. These factors determine the actual crank angleinterval where the formaldehyde signal can be detected in acertain engine cycle. They also limit the number of image pairsfrom a measurement sequence that is useful for evaluation.Image pairs where one image shows no signal or signal withinsufficient signal-to-noise ratio must obviously be discarded. The number of data selected for flame propagationevaluation may also be further reduced during the evaluationprocedure due to factors that will be described in thefollowing text. The background subtraction procedure mayin some cases give errors in the evaluated flame frontcontours, since the background images include reflections andfluorescence from the engine ceiling, and these additionalsignal contributions may vary during engine operationresulting in erroneous background compensation. The signalarea of the compensated image will thus have a somewhatdifferent appearance to that of the raw image at locations wherethe background signal is strong. The background contributionswere suppressed by blackening the ceiling with soot beforeassembling the engine for measurements. By studying the raw data together with the evaluatedcontours it was established that the use of profile compensationresulted in much better agreement between the boundariesof the signal areas and the identified contours. This has itsorigin in the binary image creation procedure, which willneglect regions of formaldehyde, where the signal is low dueto low laser irradiance. The use of laser profile compensationcircumvents this problem by enhancing the intensities in theseregions before binary image creation. The method presented here to estimate the flamepropagation velocity is based on the assumption that themovement is two-dimensional since the measurements aremade in a plane. Due to the pent-roof design of the engine,the third dimension cannot be neglected in the central partsof the combustion chamber. However, at the locations closerto the walls, the height of the chamber is lower and the flamefront is believed to mainly evolve two-dimensionally. Three-dimensional effects may form holes and indentations in thecontours of some images, mainly in areas located closer to thecentral region of the combustion chamber. The holes observedin the first image of figure 8(a) may be due to three-dimensionaleffects. The program used to calculate corresponding points onthe contours of an image pair relies on input data from theuser. During the time interval separating the two images, theflame front has moved a few millimetres, generally towardsthe walls, but it has also to some degree changed shape. Thisobviously introduces an uncertainty in the identification ofcorresponding points on the contours and thereby also in theevaluated velocity. The uncertainty increases with increasingtime separation since the flame front then changes its shapeeven more. As previously mentioned, this criterion gives anupper limit on the time separation that can be used. Because of the issues described above, part of the datacannot be used for evaluation. However, problems imposeddue to three-dimensional effects, inadequate backgroundsubtraction, etc mainly occur in isolated regions. For suchcases these regions have been left unevaluated, whereas thesignal areas in other regions have been used for velocityestimation. The images of figures 8(a) and (b) are exampleswhere parts of the contours have been omitted in the flamepropagation evaluation. 5. Discussion Identifyingg uunburned fuel-air mixture by nascentformaldehyde has also been performed in other investigations.Bauerle et al performed measurements in the previouslymentioned two-stroke research engine, and an identification ofexothermic centres [9] was followed by a time-resolved studyof the development of the centres [10]. The time-resolvedexperiments were performed using a setup consisting of twoexcimer lasers pumping a dye laser, resulting in two laserpulses at 353.2 nm. The tuneable laser makes it possible touse an efficient excitation line and is beneficial compared tothe fixed Nd:YAG laser at 355 nm which excites at a lessefficient transition [20]. The dye laser option, however, resultsin lower available pulse energy compared to the Nd:YAGlaser.The low pulse energies (~2 mJ) used by Bauerleet al [10] generally resulted in rather low signal-to-noiseratios of the presented images. Similar to our experimentsBauerle et al observed a fluorescing end-gas region betweenthe flame-front and the combustion chamber wall. The timeseparations between the laser pulses in [10] were typicallytens of microseconds in order to study the fast developmentof exothermic centres. The same engine geometry as presented in [9, 10] wasalso used by SchieBl et al [14, 15] in experiments where twoexcimer lasers at 308 nm were used for excitation of differentcombustion intermediates occurring after the first ignitionstage.The excitation at 308 nm was not species specificbut also in this investigation a fluorescing region of unburnedmixture could be observed as well as exothermic centres. Thehigh pulse energy available in those experiments was beneficialto the image signal-to-noise ratio. The appearance of the flamefront in the presented images resembles the results obtainedin our experiments. In [14], SchieBl et al present pairs ofimages detected with different time separations. Similar tothe results in [10], time separations of the order of tens ofmicroseconds resulted in no apparent movement of the flamefront, whereas a growth of the exothermic centres could betraced. For separations of hundreds of microseconds also amovement of the flame front could be observed, in agreementwith our observations. The method presented in this paper for flame propagationmeasurements is based on the assumption that the boundary ofthe formaldehyde LIF signal marks the flame front. However,the formaldehyde indicates regions of cool-flame chemistry,which not necessarily must indicate the total unburned region,thus introducing an uncertainty in the determination of theflame front. Therefore it is of interest to compare theformaldehyde signal with a well-known method used forfuel visualization, such as fluorescence from a tracer species. Formaldehyde LIF 3-pentanone LIF Figure 9. Simultaneous formaldehyde and 3-pentanone LIF imagesobtained at different crank angles; (a)-20 CAD,(b)-5 CAD,(c) -3 CAD,(d) 0 CAD. It should be noted that the four pairs wererecorded in different engine cycles. A suitable tracer species for iso-octane is 3-pentanone [22,23],and LIF from this tracer has been measured simultaneouslywith LIF from formaldehyde by Graf et al [12]. Theyperformed measurements in an engine operated in a controlledauto-ignition mode with a geometry similar to that of ourengine. Our experimental setup was thus re-arranged for quasi-simultaneous measurements where one Nd: YAG laser fired alaser pulse at 355 nm (exciting nascent formaldehyde), and oneNd:YAG laser fired 0.02 crank angles later at 266 nm (excitingadded 3-pentanone). Four image pairs showing the right halfof the measurement area depicted in figure 2 and detected atdifferent crank angles are shown in figure 9. These imageshave not been corrected for non-uniformities in the spatialdistribution of laser intensity and, as previously mentioned,the laser sheet widths were set to ~2 cm in order to increasethe power densities and hence the signal-to-noise ratio. Figure 9(a) shows two images detected at -20 CAD andan engine pressure of 8 bar. The formaldehyde LIF image(left) shows no signal at this crank angle, which is to beexpected since the fuel-air mixture has not entered the firstignition stage at this crank angle and no cool-flame specieshave been created. The detected 3-pentanone LIF imageshowed fluorescence from the tracer that covered the entirelength of the sheet, of which only the right half is shownin the fuel tracer image of figure 9(a). The spark has beenignited at -30 CAD, but so far the air-fuel mixture in the sheet has not been consumed by the propagating flame sincethe probe volume is located in the lower part of the combustionchamber, whereas the spark plug is located in the upper part.Figure 9(b) shows an image pair taken at-5 CAD and 17 bar.Again no signal from formaldehyde can be observed, but inthe fuel tracer image it can be seen from the lack of signal inthe left part of the figure that part of the mixture has burned.In figure 9(c) an image pair is shown that has been detected at-3 CAD and 24 bar. In this case signals can be seen in bothimages. The boundaries between the burned and unburnedregions show similar shape and position and even small detailscan be compared and identified. Because of the separate laserbeam paths, the signal from the laser sheet edges may differbetween the images..This is evident when comparing thesignals in the upper part of the images in figure 9(c). Infigure9(d) an image pair detected at 0 CAD and 29 bar showsa similar situation to that of figure 9(c), with boundaries ofsimilar position and shape appearing in both images. Also inthis case it is possible to identify small details that appear inboth images. The signal areas of these images are smaller thanthe ones in figure 9(c) since more of the air-fuel mixture hasburned. For the images detected at -3 and 0 CAD (figures 9(c)and (d)) both the fuel tracer LIF and the formaldehyde LIF aregood indicators of the unburned mixture. The signal-to-noiseratio was higher for the formaldehyde images than for the fueltracer images and a comparison between the signal intensitiesgave a ratio of ~2 for similar pulse energies under the givenexperimental conditions. The similar appearance of the signals from the twotechniques presented in figures 9(c) and (d) could be observedfor all measured cycles where the signal-to-noise ratio of bothimages in a pair was sufficiently high for successful imageevaluation. From this the conclusion was drawn that in thepresent case both alternatives could be used for visualizationof unburned regions. However, the techniques have differentadvantages and disadvantages. The fuel tracer must be addedto the fuel and may interfere with the combustion process,whereas the formaldehyde is formed naturally.However.the fuel tracer can be detected from mixture intake upto combustion, whereas formaldehyde is only present atconditions where temperature and pressure are high enoughfor the cool-flame chemistry to be initiated. This limits theformaldehyde detection spatially to the end-gas region of theengine and temporally to a certain crank angle interval, in ourcase between approximately -5 and +5 CAD. It should also benoted that the formaldehyde alternative requires a fuel that hastwo-stage ignition chemistry. When present, the formaldehyderesults in strong LIF signals yielding single-shot images ofgood quality and proved in our case to be a better choice thanthe fuel tracer. 6. Summary Experimental investigations of flame propagationnhavebeen performed in a spark-ignition engine using laser-induced fluorescence of(cool-flameespecies, amongthese formaldehyde. The two-dimensional visualizationexperiments were based on a setup with two synchronizedNd:YAG lasers at 355 nm with an arbitrarily set delay betweenthe pulses, and two ICCD cameras each synchronized with one of the lasers. Flame propagation velocities were evaluatedfrom the pairs of formaldehyde LIF images following a schemewith creation of binary images from which the signal contourscould be identified. Since the identified contours are indicatorsof the location of the flame front at certain time positions,the velocity vectors could be determined along the flamefront. Mean speeds in the range of 10-20 m s-1 weregenerally obtained. The characteristics of the method usingLIF of formaldehyde have been discussed and given the rightcircumstances, the method has shown to be useful for flamepropagation velocity estimation. Additionally the formaldehyde LIF was compared withfuel tracer LIF as an indicator of the unburned mixture. Thiswas performed in quasi-simultaneous measurements, wherethe formaldehyde was excited using 355 nm and 3-pentanonewas excited at 266 nm. The measurements showed that bothmethods traced the same areas, i.e. the unburned fuel-airmixture, and that the identified contours indicate the boundarybetween unburned and burned mixtures. One merit of the presented method for two-dimensionalvelocity estimation is that formaldehyde is a nascent speciesformed during the first-ignition stage of many hydrocarbons,thus making it unnecessary to add a fuel tracer. However,it should be noted that not all hydrocarbons form cool-flamespecies and thereby formaldehyde. Moreover, the firstignitionstage is not entered until the unburned gas mixture has reacheda temperature of around 650-700 K [4], thus the flamepropagation process cannot be followed in the initial phase.Further merits of the formaldehyde method are that the use ofNd:YAG lasers at 355 nm for the excitation is relatively simple,yielding high pulse energies and relatively strong laser-inducedfluorescence signals. Acknowledgments The support from the staff at the Department of Thermoand Fluid Dynamics at Chalmers University of TechnologyISgratefully acknowledged, especially Allan Sognell.The authors also acknowledge the support from MattiasRichter concerning the initial evaluation of the images andThomas Metz for providing the formaldehyde cell spectra.The financial support from the Swedish National EnergyAdministration is gratefully acknowledged. References ( [ 1] E ckbreth A C 1 9 96 Laser Diagnostics for C o mbustionTemperature a nd Species 2nd edn ( London: Gordon andBreach) ) ( [2] K ohse-Hoinghaus K a n d Jeffries J B (ed) 2002 Applied ) ( Combustion Diagnostics ( N ew York: Ta y lor and Francis) [3] D aily J W 1 9 97 Laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy in ) flames Prog. Energy Combust. 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