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减少二氧化碳等温室气体以应对全球气候变化已成为人们日益关注的问题。减少这些气体的可用方法包括:1 提高流程效率;2 使用低碳燃料;3 碳封存


Syringe Pump Application Note Last modified September 28, 2012Teledyne IscoP.O. Box 82531, Lincoln,Nebraska,68501 USAToll-free:(800) 228-4373·Phone: (402) 464-0231·Fax: (402) 465-3091E-mail: Iscolnfo@teledyne.com Overview Reducing greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxideto combat global climate change has become anincreasing concern. Possible ways to reduce these gasesinclude: 。 Improving process efficiencies Using low carbon fuels Carbon sequestration Carbon Sequestration Strategies Carbon sequestration can involve either of the fol-lowing concepts: Direct-Removal of greenhouse gases from thegenerating source (i.e., automobiles, powerplants, and industrial processes) Indirect-Removal of greenhouse gases from theair for storage in reservoirs, oceans, or terres-trial ecosystems Ongoing research includes both direct separation,capture, and storage, and indirect terrestrial or oceanstorage. CO2 can be stored in such places as depleted oilreservoirs, coal seams, deep saline reservoirs, and shaleformations. Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) CO2 sequestration can be accomplished as anenhanced oil recovery technique, where CO2 is pumpedinto oil reservoirs to maintain production levels ofcrude oil. This is very cost effective, given the benefit ofincreased oil production. Enhanced Coal-Bed Methane (ECBM) Recovery Methane recovery through CO2 injection into coalbeds is another promising method of sequestration. Aswith EOR, the value-added benefit of energy revenue off-sets the costs of sequestration. Saline Reservoir Injection The injection of CO2 into deep saline aquifers hasmany advantages. The storage capacity of these geo-logic formations is very large; aquifers in the UnitedStates alone have been estimated at up to 500 billiontons of CO2. In addition, large saline reservoirs are easilyaccessible by most major producers of CO, in the U.S. Elsewhere in the world, companies participating ingreenhouse gas emission reduction or emissions tradingmay stand to earn emission reduction points and/or taxsavings, offsetting the costs of employing greentechnologies. Research Studies are underway in the areas of direct and indi-rect sequestration, and of long-term storage andvalue-added energy recovery methods. Experimental Procedures Current research concerns the amount of CO, move-ment in the geologic formation into which it is injected,and how CO2 injection and storage impact the integrityof the formation. The diagram in Figure 1 depicts a test setup repli-cating conditions found in a deep saline aquifer todetermine its potential for long-term carbon storage. Figure 1: Modeling CO2 distribution and transport In a saline reservoir formation Teledyne Isco Pumps Teledyne Isco Syringe Pumps are excellent CO2pumps, and can be used in CO2sequestration experi-ments to duplicate the fluid and pressure conditionspresent in geologic formations.These high precision pumps are very effective with low and high flow rates.They deliver precise pulse-less flow, and can operate ineither constant flow or constant pressure mode. Table 1: Recommended Isco Pumps Model 260D 500D 500HP Flow Range (ml/min) 0.001-107 0.001-204 0.001-204 Pressure Range (psi) 0-7,500 0-3,750 0-5,000 1) Kyoto Protocol. 1 May 2008 . 2) U.S. Department of Energy.“Geologic SequestrationResearch." April 2007. Fossil Energy. 1 May 2008 . 3) Stanford University. 2007-2008. Global Climate & EnergyProject. 1 May 2008 . 4) Jia, Annie. “Researchers examine carbon capture andstorage to combat global warming."Stanford News Service13 June 2007. Stanford University. 29 Feb. 2008 . ( Teledyne I s co is continually improving its products and reserves the right to change productspecifications, replacement parts, schematics, and instructions without notice. )   概述  减少二氧化碳等温室气体以应对全球气候变化已成为人们日益关注的问题。减少这些气体的可用方法包括:提高流程效率使用低碳燃料碳封存碳封存战略碳封存可涉及以下任一概念:从温室气体产生源头(即汽车、发电厂和工业生产等)直接去除;从空气中间接去除温室气体储存在水库、海洋或陆地生态系统中;正在进行的研究包括直接分离、捕获和储存,以及间接陆地或海洋储存。二氧化碳可以储存在枯竭的油藏、煤层、深层盐层和页岩地层中。提高采收率 (EOR)二氧化碳封存可以作为一种提高采收率的技术来实现,即将二氧化碳泵入储油层以维持原油的生产水平。考虑到可以增加石油的产量,这是非常划算的。提高煤层气 (ECBM) 采收率通过向煤层中注入二氧化碳回收甲烷是另一种很有前途的封存方法。与提高采收率一样,能源收入的增值收益抵消了封存成本。盐水油藏注入向深层盐碱含水层注入二氧化碳有许多优点。这些地质构造的储存量很大;据估计,仅美国的含水层就高达5000亿吨二氧化碳。此外,在美国,大多数主要的二氧化碳生产商很容易对接利用大型盐碱储层。在世界其他地方,参与温室气体减排或排放交易的公司可能会获得减排点数和/或税收节约,抵消采用绿色技术的成本。研究在直接和间接封存以及长期储存和增值能源回收方法方面的研究正在进行中。实验过程目前的研究关注注入的地质层中二氧化碳的移动量,以及二氧化碳注入和储存对地层完整性的影响。图1中的图表描述了一个测试装置,该装置可满足在深层盐碱含水层中发现的条件,以确定其长期碳储存的可能性。 Teledyne Isco泵Teledyne Isco柱塞泵是优秀的CO2泵,可用于CO2封存实验,以模拟地质地层中的流体和压力条件。这些高精度泵是非常有效的低和高流量。它们提供精确的无脉冲流量,并且可以在恒定流量或恒定压力模式下运行。

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培安有限公司为您提供《碳中封存检测方案(恒流泵)》,该方案主要用于工业气体中前处理检测,参考标准《暂无》,《碳中封存检测方案(恒流泵)》用到的仪器有ISCO X系列高压高精度柱塞泵。

