
检测样品 基础有机原料

检测项目 理化分析

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液态烃折射率的测定 应用资料 折射率对样品的质量控制很重要。本应用根据ASTM D1218 液体烃的折射率和折射色散测定法。使用数字折射仪进行测量,该标准适用于温度为20oC~30oC时,折射率为1.3300至1.5000的透明和浅色液体碳氢化合物。在这个测量例子中,以异辛烷和甲苯作为样品。


APRA-0247en京都電子工業株式会社KYOTO ELECTRONICSMANUFACTURING CO.,LTD. APRA-0247er5. Example Application Note Refractive index of hydrocarbon Liquids Industry PetroleumInstrument RefractometerMeasurement method Detection of critical angle of optical refractionStandards ASTMD1218 1. Scope The refractive index is important for the quality control of samples. This Application Noteintroduces an example of measuring the refractive index of hydrocarbons based on ASTM D1218,Procedure B. The measurement is performed using a digital refractometer in accordance withProcedure B. The standard applies to transparent and light-colored liquid hydrocarbons withrefractive index in the range of 1.3300 to 1.5000 at temperatures of 20 to 30 C. In thismeasurement example, isooctane (2,2,4-trimethylpentane) and toluene were used as samples. 2. Apparatus Equipment Refractometer 3. Reagents Cleaning solution 1 n-Pentane Cleaning solution 2 Toluene ASTM D1218 prescribes the above solvents as cleaning solutions. Clean the prism with n-pentane and toluene in that order. 4. Procedure -Calibration- 1) In the dry state of the prism, perform the calibration by air. 2) Introduce pure water into the prism, then perform the calibration with it. 3) Wipe off any moisture with a paper waste cloth and dry the prism. -Measurement- 1) In the dry state of the prism, drop in enough to cover the prism with the sample. 2) Measure the refractive index. 3) Wipe off the sample with a paper waste cloth, clean the prism with n-pentane and toluene in thatorder, and wipe off the cleaning solution. 4) Dry the prism, then perform the next measurement. 京都电子工业株式会社-可睦电子(上海)商贸有限公司上海市徐汇区宜山路333号1201室电话:021-54488867 电邮: kemu-kem@163.com网址: http://www.kem-china.com 一Parameter- The measurement parameters are set by the customer. (Refer to the below.) Set temperature 20,25,and 30 ℃ Stability sense o Wait time 0(s) Limit time 60(s) In the case of changing the measurement temperature, calibrate at the set temperatureeach time the temperature is changed.(The measurement parameters are examples for using KEM’s Refractometer. They may vary dependingon the model.) -Measurement results- The measurement results for each sample are shown in Tables 1 and 2. At each temperature,each sample was measured five consecutive times. Table 1 Refractive index of isooctane Table 2 Refractive index of toluene n 20°℃ 25℃ 30℃ n 20°℃ 25°℃ 30°℃ ni 1.3915 1.3890 1.3866 ni 1.4970 1.4941 1.4912 n2 1.3915 1.3890 1.3866 n2 1.4970 1.4941 1.4912 n3 1.3915 1.3890 1.3866 n3 1.4970 1.4941 1.4912 n4 1.3915 1.3890 1.3866 n4 1.4970 1.4941 1.4912 n5 1.3915 1.3890 1.3866 n5 1.4970 1.4941 1.4912 In this measurement, the same results were obtained to the fourth decimal place. In addition, the standard states that there is a statistical probability of 5 % that the differences inthe refractive index between consecutive measurements performed by the same operator using thesame instrument and measuring the same sample under constant conditions would exceed 0.0002. 6.References ASTM D1218 Refractive Index and Refractive Dispersion of Hydrocarbon Liquids / 都電子工業株式会社KYOTO ELECTRONICSMANUFACTURING CO.,LTD. 液态烃折射率的测定 应用资料(英文版)折射率对样品的质量控制很重要。本应用根据ASTM D1218 液体烃的折射率和折射色散测定法。使用数字折射仪进行测量,该标准适用于温度为20ºC~30ºC时,折射率为1.3300至1.5000的透明和浅色液体碳氢化合物。在这个测量例子中,以异辛烷和甲苯作为样品。‍

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可睦电子(上海)商贸有限公司-日本京都电子(KEM)为您提供《液态烃中折射率检测方案(折光仪)》,该方案主要用于基础有机原料中理化分析检测,参考标准《暂无》,《液态烃中折射率检测方案(折光仪)》用到的仪器有RA-620高精度数字式折光仪、RA-600全自动台式折光仪、石油产品折射率测定仪(ASTM D1218)。


