inTEST 热流仪搭配 Keysight 进行功率器件高低温测试

检测样品 电子元器件产品

检测项目 功率器件高低温测试

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inTEST 热流仪搭配 Keysight 进行功率器件自动化高低温测试 上海伯东美国 inTEST 热测产品搭配 Keysight 机台, 提供 IGBT, RF Device, MOSFET, Hi Power LED 等功率器件 -100℃ - 350℃ 自动化热测试解决方案. Keysight 机台完美兼容 inTEST 软件, 操作简单.


‍‍inTEST 热流仪搭配 Keysight 进行功率器件自动化高低温测试上海伯东美国 inTEST 热测产品搭配 Keysight 机台, 提供 IGBT, RF Device, MOSFET, Hi Power LED 等功率器件 -100℃ - 350℃ 自动化热测试解决方案. Keysight 机台完美兼容 inTEST 软件, 操作简单.功率器件高低温测试案例一:上海伯东美国 inTEST Thermal Plate HP289-PM 搭配 Keysight B1505A 或 B1506A, 完成室温至 250℃ 温度测试. 通用软件, 操作简单, 只需将待测器件放置在 Thermal Plate 上即可. 通过使用 inTEST 最大可能的减少长线缆导致的测试问题, 兼容接头将 Keysight 分析仪与 inTEST 热板连接在一起.上海伯东美国 inTEST HP289-PM 是一个温控平台, 可以与 Keysight B1505A 和 B1506A 功率器件分析仪联用. 该平台允许自动控制板温度, 从外壳环境温度到 250°C, 用于表征功率器件, 例如 IGBT 和 MOSFET.主要特点1. 自动温度循环2. 实时数据记录3. 动态 DUT 温度控制4. 本地和远程操作功率器件高低温测试案例二:inTEST ThermalStream 高低温冲击测试机搭配 B150XA 系统, 提供 -50℃~250℃ 的温度测试环境.测试时, 只需将待测功率器件放置在高低温测试机测试罩内即可. 如果未连接测试腔, 则测试器件可能会因热空气或冷凝水而损坏. 连接到测试设备和 Thermostream 的热防护罩解决了这个问题, 可进行准确. 可靠和可重复的温度特性测试.上海伯东美国 inTEST ThermalStream 热流仪搭配 Keysight B150XA 系统评估 -50°C 至+ 250°C 温度范围内的功率器件特性, 是半导体器件制造商中比较通用的测试手段, ThermoStream 具有快速的热循环和精确的温度控制,是高功率器件可靠性测试和表征的理想选择.主要特点1. 自动温度循环2. 实时数据记录3. 动态 (DUT) 温度控制4. 本地和远程操作5. 无霜测试环境6. 节能模式功率器件高低温测试案例三:某企业通过上海伯东推荐, 购入美国 ThermoStream ATS-710 高低温冲击测试机, 为 MOSFET \ MOS 管, 场效应管, TO 封装等器件提供 -50 至 +150 °C 快速精准的外部温度环境, 满足测试器件性能的要求.inTEST Thermal Plate 热台 (环境温度至 +250°C) 和 ThermoStream (-50 至 +250°C) 可满足高温和极低温测试的需求. 两种温度测试都具有温度自动循环, 数据记录和远程通信功能. 若您需要进一步的了解详细产品信息或讨论 , 请参考以下联络方式 :上海伯东 : 罗先生                     ‍‍US页Hakuto伯東inTEST Thermal Solutions the BEST at innovative therma soutions NAB.-250-C 二 COL -99-S一 二 ATST H E R M O S T R E A M R SYSTEMS PREC SION TEMPERATURE SOURCES the BEST at high speed thermal test inTEST Thermal Solutions inTEST Thermal SolutionsTEMPTRONICCORPORATION MORE FEATURES PROVEN ERGONOMICS BROADER APPLICATIONS The ATS THERMOSTREAM@ Systems The ATS THERMOSTREAMQ Systems are used in a variety of temperature testing and conditioning applications.From their traditional applications in semiconductor testing, failure analysis, and device characterization to theirbroader use in PCB and electronic sub-assembly testing, the ATS Series has a system with the temperaturecapabilities to meet your needs. The ATS THERMOSTREAMQ Systems offer an innovative temperature testingsolution that allows you to perform device, board, and module testing right where you need it - at your test bench,in your production facility, or in your lab. inTEST Thermal Solutions is the thermal expert with over 50 years ofthermal engineering and test system development. Our goal is to make your temperature testing and conditioningas simple and cost effective as possible. The speed, precision, and portability of our new systems combined witha broader temperature range and capacity have resulted in the most comprehensive line of Temperature ForcingSystems ever- the ATS Series THERMOSTREAMQ. ATS -500 SERIES THERMOSTREAM@ Systems The ATS-500 family includes a number of systems with a broad range of temperature capabilities. From small,bench top -20℃ units to larger -80°C systems, the ATS-500 Series can be used in lab or productionenvironments for traditional semiconductor and small assembly temperature testing. ATS-505 ATS-515* ATS-525* “A variety of systems designedto meet Commercial and Military Temperature Test Requirements” *available with optional low noise air compressor and dryer system ·LN2 not required ·Rapid temperature transitions of up to 18°C/sec ·1.0°C accuracy ·0.1°C resolution ·50/60 Hz operation ·5 year compressor warranty NEW ·Ultimate high up to +300°℃ ·Ultimate low down to -100°C ·Extended reach for ease of use and optionalextended height to accommodate all testheads ·“Green” function to save power during idle periods ·Heated defrost to quickly rid the system of moisturebuildup ATS -700 SERIES THERMOSTREAMQSystems The ATS-700 family consists of several high capacity THERMOSTREAM@ Systems all designed to quickly and precisely take your devices and modules to temperature. With ultimate temperature capabilities from -100°℃ to+300C, not only is it possible to improve your throughput by accelerating your time to temperature, you can nowtest high power devices and larger thermal mass subjects at or beyond MIL-STD temperaturesn a 24/7environment. Whether used in the conventional “articulated arm” configuration or as a temperature source for anexternal chamber or enclosure, the ATS-700 Series is both powerful and versatile. “Improve throughputwith systems capableof transition rates upto 18℃ per second” MODEL TEMPERATURE RANGE ATS-710ATS-730ATS-750 -80°C to +225°C-90°C to +225°C high capacity-90°C to +300°C high temp, high capacity ATS-770 -100°C to +225°C uullttrraa-low temp The ATS 700 Series Models are available with amechanical, articulated arm or a Turret for usewith separate enclosures and chambers.Optionally, the mechanical arm can be equippedwith an extended height feature. inTEST Thermal Solutions inTEST Thermal Solutions, inTEST Corporation's group of thermal companies, is comprised of Temptronic, SigmaSystems and Thermonics Corporations. Combined, we have decades of engineering expertise forming a solutionscenter capable of solving all of your temperature testing and conditioning needs. We specialize in engineering uniquethermal systems including semiconductor temperature test systems, custom thermal environments and platforms,ultra-low process chillers, temperature forcing systems, and everything in between. Rely on inTEST Thermal Solutions,where designing custom thermal solutions is standard practice. 伯東Hakuto inTEST Thermal Solutions Worldwide Sales & Service 中国地区总代理 伯东企业(上海)有限公司 Email: CORPORATION ATS-M

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