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检测项目 雾霾、

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在本应用说明中,采用基于JIS、ISO和ASTM标准程序的测量方法,报告了扩散器板中的雾霾值和总透光率。 关键词:V-650/660/670,紫外可见/NIR、雾霾、漫射透射率、材料、积分球


透明样品的雾霾值描述了当光通过样品时散射的光量。雾度值越低,样品的清晰度越高,说明杂质越少。在本应用说明中,采用基于JIS、ISO和ASTM标准程序的测量方法,报告了扩散器板中的雾霾值和总透光率。Application NoteUV-O042 The Haze Value Measurement System using aUV-Visible Spectrophotometer2/3Application Note The Haze Value Measurement System using a UV-Visible Spectrophotomete r Intro d uc t ion Th e haze va l ue of a tr a n spar e nt sample descr i bes the amount of l i gh t sca t t e r e d whe n lig ht pass e s th r o u gh t h e sample . The lower th e ha z e val u e, t h e h igh e r t h e c l a r ity of th e sampl e i ndicating l e ss impuri t i e s. In t h is application note, t h e h aze valu e and t otal ligh t tr a nsm i ttance in dif f user pan e ls i s reported, u sing me a sure m e n t met h ods bas e d on JIS, ISO, and ASTM stand a rd p rocedures. V-670 UV -V i s i b l e Spectrophotometer K eywor d s JASCO INC. 28600 Ma r y 's C ou r t, Easton, M D 21601 US A Exper i men t al Figure 1 illustr a tes h ow t h e total t ransmitt a nce (T), sam p le dif f usio n rate (T), and sc a ttering r ate (T ,) are obtained using a n in t egrat i ng sphere. The baseline spec t rum i s o b tai n ed u s ing a white di f f use r plate (1) and the ligh t sc at te r ed b y th e i ns tr umen t itself i s measured (T) in order to c a libra t e the spec t rophotometer . where t i (2),t 3(2),t3(a ) is the transmittance i n each measurement,S(2) is the spectral charac t eristics of the l ight source,and y() i s the luminosity factor. Figure 1. H az e v al u e me a s ure m en t se t up and equ a t ion s . The total light transmi t tance and sample diffus i on of the sample is then measured and the haze value is calculated by the ratio of the two spectra: Bandwidth 5nm Scan speed 400 nm/min Response 0.24 sec Data interval 1nm Light Source D65 View angle 2° Resul t s The spect r u m of the t otal l i ght transmittance (T) and the sam p le diffusion rate (T) of the quartz di f fuser plates are shown in F i gu r e 2. The calculated haze val u es are shown in Table 1. The spectra and haze va l ues clearly indicate a difference in samples 3, 4,5, and 6. F i g u re 2. Tra n sm i t tanc e s p ect r a o f si x d i ff u s e r pla t e sa mple s. Table 1. Calc ul at e d h a z e v a l ues fo r diffus er pa nel s . T,[%] T[9%] T[%] T[%] Haze [%] 1 0.08 93.06 0.71 0.63 0.7 2 0.08 92.13 4.94 4.86 5.3 3 0.08 90.88 18.7 18.62 20.5 4 0.08 90.8 23.12 23.04 25.4 5 0.08 87.75 69.34 69.27 78.9 6 0.08 85.46 70.56 70.49 82.5

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佳士科商贸有限公司为您提供《基于紫外-可见分光光度计的雾霾值测量系统》,该方案主要用于其他中雾霾、检测,参考标准《暂无》,《基于紫外-可见分光光度计的雾霾值测量系统》用到的仪器有jasco紫外可见分光光度计 V-700。


