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检测样品 生物药品原料

检测项目 人参、天然药物

关联设备 共1种 下载方案


该HPLC应用描述了在常规反相HPLC中使用梯度洗脱分离人参皂苷Rb1和Rg1的方法的开发,该方法可以放大为半制备HPLC。 关键词:分析分离,半制备分离,黄连,黄连素,神经科学,天然药物


人参是一种天然药材,来源于大麻油科多年生草本植物,俗称亚洲人参或朝鲜人参。据广泛报道,人参具有许多益处,包括疲劳恢复、退热、血压控制(低血压和高血压)、抗炎/抗菌作用(胃和十二指肠溃疡)、止血、强心作用、抗肿瘤作用(抗癌作用)、糖尿病护理(血糖水平控制和胰岛素促分泌)。人参含有大量的人参苷,这是一种皂苷。人参皂甙Rb1具有中枢抑制作用,人参皂甙Rg1具有中枢兴奋作用,其抗疲劳和镇静作用已有报道。该HPLC应用描述了在常规反相HPLC中使用梯度洗脱分离人参皂苷Rb1和Rg1的方法的开发,该方法可以放大为半制备HPLC。Application Note 2/4Application Note Semi-preparative Separation of Ginsenoside in Ginseng Semi-preparativeSeparation o f Ginsenoside in Ginseng Gi n seng i s a natural medicine derived f rom the araliaceae herbaceous perennial more commonly known as Asia n ginseng or Korean ginseng . Ginseng has been widely reported a s having many benefits includi n g recovery from fatigue, pyreto l y s i s , blood pressure control (low-and high-blood pressure), anti-inflammatory /antibacterial action (gast r ic and duodenal ulcer), hemostasis, cardiotonic action, anti -tu m or action (anti-cancer action), diabetes care (blood-sugar level control and insulin secretagogue). Ginseng contains a large amount of ginsenoisides -a type of saponin.Gi n senoiside Rb1 has central depressant action and ginsenoiside Rg1 has central excitatory action,and their anti-fatig u e and sedative action have been reported. This HPLC application descr i bes the development of a separat i on method for ginsenoside Rb1 and Rg1 using gradient elution i n conventional reverse phase HPLC which can be scaled-up to semi-prepa r at i ve HPLC. Analytical separation, Semi -preparative separation,Copt i s japonica, Berberine, Neutraceut i cal , Natural medicine JASCO Semi Pre p LC. View product i nformation at www.j a s coi nc.c o m Experimenta l Equipment Conventional HPLC Eluent Pump: PU-2089 Autosampler: AS-2057 Column oven: CO-2060 Detector: MD-2018 min(50/50)-> min(80/20) Semi-Preparative HPLC Eluent Pump: PU-2086 (x2) Mixer: MX-2080-32 (With 10 mL chamber) Autosampler: AS-2058 Column oven: CO-2060 Detector: MD-2018 min(50/50)-> min(80/20) Chromatography datasystem: Fraction collector: ADVANTEC SCF 122SC Fraction collector FC-2088-30 controller: Conditions Conventional HPLC Column: YMC-PACK Pro C18 (4.6 mm IDx250 mmL, 5 pm) Eluent: A; Water, B; Acetonitrile, linear gradient Gradient (A/B), 0 min(80/20)->15 condition: 20 min (50/50) ->20.1 1 cycle; 40 min Eluent flow rate: 1.0 mL/min Column temp.: 25°℃ Wavelength: 200~4 50 nm, 203 nm Injection volume: 20 pL Standard sample: Powdered Ginseng (1.0g/50mL in 60% methanol) Semi-Preparative HPLC Column: YMC-PACK Pro C18 (20 mm IDx250 mmL, 5 pm) Eluent: A; Water, B; Acetonitrile, linear gradient Gradient (A/B), 0 min(80/20)->15 condition: Eluent flow rate: 15 mL/min Column temp.: 25°℃ Wavelength: 203nm Injection volume: 5mL Standard sample: Powdered Ginseng (1.0g/50mL in 60% methanol) (1) Weigh 1.0 g of powdered ginseng and place i n a centrifuge tube. (2) Add 30 m L of 60% methanol a n d mi x for 15 m i n utes. (3) Cent r ifuge (3,000 rpm, 10mim) and decant the supernatant i nto a 50 mL measu r i ng f lask (4) Add 20 mL of 60% methanol to th e residue a n d repea t the procedure. (5) Ad d 60% methanol to collected supernatant i n m easuri n g f l ask and make up to 50 mL Application Note Fig. 1 Structural formula of Ginsenosides. Fig . 1: Ginsenoside Rb 1 Fig . 1: G i nse n oside Rg1 Result Fig. 2 Chromatogram and contour plot of extracts from ginseng powder separated using conventional HPLC. Since the retention of ginsenoiside Rg1 and Rb1 are different , the separation condi t ions have been determined using gradien t el u tion. The MD-2018 PDA detector and spectral comparison was used to optimize the separation of the target compounds from other components; ginsenois i des Rg1 and Rb1 were clear l y separated within 16 minutes. Fi g. 2: Chromato g ram o f the ex t ract f r om Ginseng powder Fig . 3. shows the chromatogram o f the ginseng powder separated using a semi-preparative HPLC scaled-up from analytical. In order to maximize the recovery of t he separated ginsenoisides a 5 mL sample volu m e was injected. F i g. 4. shows the f raction display in the ChromNAV chromatography data system. The peaks fractions and sample rack position for the target com p ounds are hig h lighted i n green. Fig. 5. shows chromatograms of a pur i ty check of the recovered f r a ctions analyzed using t he same conditions as i n Fig . 2. Ginsenoiside Rb1 and a minor component were n ot completely resolved i n the sem i -prep separation and small contaminant peak can be observed just after the main peak, but it was confirmed that each compound was clearly isolated. Fig .3: Semi -preparative chrom a togram of an extract from Ginseng powder Fig . 4: Peak f ract i on result o f an extrac t from Ginse n g P owder (C hromNAV Screen) Fig.5: Chromatogram of the collected fraction (10 pL Injected) Applicatio n Library: http://www.j ascoinc .com/appl i cations

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