


  • 对CCD我了解的不是很深,不知道显微行业对其要求都有哪些?百万像素的CCD适不适用呢?
    +关注 私聊
  • 第1楼2004/11/03


    +关注 私聊
  • 第2楼2004/11/05


    +关注 私聊
  • 第3楼2005/01/28


    +关注 私聊
  • 第4楼2005/02/22


    1.    General
    The INFRARED MINISCOPE uses a small CCD television camera to provide a clear view of the specimen region in the SEM chamber. The view includes all nearby detectors, the specimen and the microscope's lens.
    Its use will help to prevent expensive collisions within the vacuum chamber.
    The MINISCOPE fits the central port on the LEO 1530 chamber. It uses
    Infrared illumination, which is invisible to the SE detector. However, it is not possible to select both simultaneously.
    Certain detectors such as EDX, Cathodoluminescence and Solid State Backscatter may be affected by infrared and when these are in use, it may be necessary to reduce or completely extinguish the IR illumination.
    The INFRARED MINISCOPE is built as a single unit with camera, illuminators
    and vacuum feed-through. The feed-through is fully X-Ray shielded for safety.
    Note that the SEM should not be operated with the MINISCOPE cover plate removed.

    2.    Installation
    Remove the cover from the port in the centre of the Stage door.
    Replace it with the MINISCOPE. It is fitted with the illuminators placed above the camera lens (as shown in Diagram 1 above).

    Ensure that the O-Ring groove, the surface of the Stage Front Plate, and the O-Ring are clean and free from dust.
    Feed the Cables through the Cable Clamp in the Plinth, ensuring that the exposed braids in the cables are clamped to maintain correct earthing. (See Diag.2)
    Connect the cables to the SEM. (See Diag.2). The 9 Way ‘D’ should be fitted to the cut-out in the Plinth Connection Panel designated ‘CCD SUPPLY’
    The BNC should be fitted to the cut-out in the Plinth Connection Panel designated

    Any Cables already fitted to these specific locations on the Plinth Connection Panel should be discarded.

    3.         Operation
    Place a specimen in position centred on the lens and adjust the focus on the specimen by screwing the lens in or out as required. The focus with IR light will be different to that in visual light, so final adjustments are best made with the room dark and the IR illumination turned on.
    When the focus is correctly set, close the chamber door.
    The lens and detectors should now be clearly seen. If necessary, adjust the focus for greater clarity.
    The INFRARED MINISCOPE is now ready for service. For best illuminator lifetime, we recommend that it is not used continuously at the highest setting. Normally a setting of around 50% will be adequate. The Contrast should be adjusted to suit.

    The Mini-scope can be selected from the Detectors Menu, and when selected illumination is controlled by the BRIGHTNESS parameter.
    When the Mini-scope is de-selected as the Detector the illumination is automatically switched off.

    +关注 私聊
  • 第5楼2005/04/26


    +关注 私聊
  • 第6楼2005/05/03



