
牛津仪器科技(上海)有限公司刚刚发布了Applications Engineer- WITec-上海市职位,坐标上海市,速来围观!


  • 立即投递该职位
    Applications Engineer- WITec-上海市
    职位描述/要求:Ⅰ、Key Responsibilities
    ?    Perform Raman installations at customer sites throughout China. Train customers on instrument operation and experimental design.
    ?    Perform Raman demo focused on the research interests and needs of prospective customers.
    ?    Provide professional technical support to customers (via phone, email, online and web forum).
    ?    Develop new applications and techniques and author technical notes, application notes, and/ or scientific journal articles.
    ?    Present new application developments and data at worldwide conferences and workshops, webinars and internal meetings.
    ?    Works with Applications and Marketing teams on long term product development and innovation
    ?    Develop and leverage key customer networks in line with business strategy
    ?    Provide technical supporting for Cross BU training and collaboration
    ?    Assist and advise the sales and marketing teams on technical and scientific matters – e.g. fielding technical questions from prospective customers, interpreting technical claims by competitors, contributing to marketing materials, educating non-technical staff on new applications or capabilities.
    ?    Help continually improve the Raman hardware and software by suggesting new features and by reporting bugs or user interface issues.
    - 为全中国的客户现场安装拉曼设备。为客户提供仪器操作和实验设计方面的培训。
    - 根据潜在客户的研究兴趣和需求,进行拉曼设备的演示。
    - 为客户提供专业的技术支持(通过电话、电子邮件、在线和网络论坛)。
    - 开发新的应用和技术,撰写技术说明、应用说明和/或科学杂志文章。
    - 在全球会议、研讨会、网络讲座和内部会议上介绍新的应用发展和数据。
    - 与应用和营销团队合作,进行长期的产品开发和创新
    - 根据业务战略,发展和利用关键客户网络
    - 为跨部门的培训和合作提供技术支持
    - 在技术和科学问题上为销售和营销团队提供协助和建议。例如,回答潜在客户的技术问题,解释竞争对手的技术主张,为营销材料做出贡献,教授非技术人员了解新的应用或能力。
    - 通过建议新功能和报告错误或用户界面问题,帮助持续改进拉曼的硬件和软件。

    Ⅱ、Person Specification – Essential requirements unless stated
    1、Education / Qualifications    
    ?    Engineering or science degree (biology, materials science, physics, or equivalent field) and/or extensive work experience in Raman spectroscopy or confocal optical microscopy
    ?    At least 3 years of Raman or confocal optical microscopy experience
    ?    Preferably a PhD, but relevant work experience will be considered.
    - 工程或科学学位(生物学、材料学、物理学或同等领域)和/或在拉曼光谱或共焦光学显微镜方面有丰富的工作经验
    - 至少有3年的拉曼或共焦光学显微镜工作经验
    - 有博士学位者优先,但相关工作经验也可考虑。

    2、Professional Skills/ Abilities:   
    ?    Experience and extensive knowledge of the theory and operation of Raman.
    ?    Strong technical background and the ability to draw from this when interacting with customers, designing experiments, or troubleshooting.
    ?    Friendly, agreeable and approachable, applicant must have excellent people skills with the ability to interact favourably with all personality types.
    ?    Strong ability to be able to quickly gauge the experience and technical level of the customer/prospect and support/train at the best level to match.
    ?    Strong problem solving and troubleshooting skills.
    ?    Excellent technical writing skills with the ability to write clearly and effectively.
    ?    Excellent time management skills with the ability to prioritise, plan, focus, and bring projects to completion within deadlines.
    ?    Strong oral communication and presentation skills.
    ?    Some teaching or tutoring experience preferred.
    ?    Proficiency in English.
    - 具有拉曼理论和操作方面的经验和广泛知识。
    - 有很强的技术背景,在与客户交流、设计实验或排除故障时,能够从中汲取经验。
    - 友善、合群、平易近人,申请者必须具备优秀的人际交往能力,能够与所有性格类型的人进行良好的互动。
    - 有很强的能力,能够快速判断客户/潜在客户的经验和技术水平,并在最佳水平上提供支持/培训。
    - 强大的问题解决和故障排除能力。
    - 优秀的技术写作能力,能够清晰有效地写作。
    - 优秀的时间管理技能,能够分清轻重缓急,制定计划,集中精力,并在截止日期前完成项目。
    - 有较强的口语交流和演讲能力。
    - 有一定的教学或辅导经验者优先。
    - 熟练掌握英语。

    3、Personal Qualities   
    ?    Willingness to travel (up to 50%) is absolutely essential.
    ?    "Can do" attitude – Decisive, flexible and able to work around issues to deliver required performance.
    ?    Flexibility is key in a position where short notice changes to travel or laboratory plans are commonplace
    ?    Proactive, self-starter, completes activities with minimal support. Initiates actions to develop new and better ways of working, using past experience and mistakes as positive opportunities for improvement.
    ?    Positive personal impact. Listens effectively and actively seeks to understand views of others, providing a shared sense of purpose and direction by communicating effectively.
    ?    Recognises the value of teamwork, developing positive, open relationships and shares knowledge between teams in order to achieve the company’s business goals.
    ?    Thinks “outside the box” to derive different, creative solutions to support the company’s business strategy and growth.
    ?    Team player – sees bigger picture as well as own priorities and needs.
    ?    Outgoing personality, open to new experiences and challenges.
    - 愿意出差(最多 50%)是绝对必要的。
    - "能干"的态度:果断、灵活,能够围绕问题开展工作以实现所需的绩效。
    - 灵活性是这个职位的关键,因为短期内改变旅行或实验室计划是常有的事。
    - 积极主动,自我激励,在最少的支持下完成活动。主动采取行动,开发新的和更好的工作方式,利用过去的经验和错误作为积极的改进机会。
    - 积极的个人影响。有效倾听并积极寻求了解他人的意见,通过有效沟通提供共同的目的和方向感。
    - 认识到团队合作的价值,发展积极、开放的关系,在团队之间分享知识,以实现公司的业务目标。
    - 突破思维定势,提出不同的、创造性的解决方案,以支持公司的业务战略和发展。
    - 有团队精神:既能看到大局,又能看到自己的优先事项和需求。
    - 性格外向,乐于接受新的经验和挑战。
    公司介绍: 牛津仪器公司1959年创建于英国牛津,是英国伦敦证交所的上市公司,生产分析仪器、半导体设备、超导磁体、超低温设备等高技术产品。在五十多年的高速发展过程中,牛津仪器公司凭借自身的科研优势,以超前的技术、出色的管理和独树一帜的产品和服务为全球的科技发展作出了巨大的贡献。牛津仪器现已成为世界著名的科学仪器领域的跨国集团公司,拥有分布于英国、美国等的十几个工厂、数十个分公司和办事处分,业务遍及全...查看全部




