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  • happyjyl


    我当时也是想了半天,翻译这种东西最头大了。在现场核查中,药检所的受理处并不参与决策,只是把你递交的注册申请表和现场核查通知转给科室负责人,由科室负责人安排核查人员。所以我觉得还是用acceptance较好。受理处干的都是接收样品、开通关单之类跟业务有关的事项,Executive office(行政办公室)应该是专门管行政那一块的,跟具体业务没什么关系。不知道您是在香港、台湾还是澳门,你们那里有没有“形式审查”这一说?我们这里药监局的受理处就是负责形式审查的。你把申报资料交上去,受理处的人只是检查一下资料项目是否齐全、有没有公章、申请表中的地址跟营业执照是否符合之类的,具体的研究内容他们是不看的。所以药检所和药监局的受理处都侧重于“受”,而不是“理”。我想如果在政府办事效率很高的香港,是不会有“形式审查”一说的吧?

    poorlittle 发表:It is a challenge to translate the word 受理. 受理 seems a short form of a legal term 受理上訴的(appellate)? But here means 我会应你的要求去处理, 受=应你的要求, 理=处理. 重心在”处理”, Is there any word better than “Acceptance”?

    受理处 --> Executive Office ???

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  • happyjyl


    好建议。promugate:1.To make known (a decree, for example) by public declaration; announce officially. 2.To put (a law) into effect by formal public announcement.

    poorlittle 发表:3. The details and procedures of the on-site inspection and sampling can be found in Procedures and Requirements of On-site Inspection and Sampling for Drug Registration (Trial) issued (or promulgated) by SFDA, Notice of On-site Inspection and Sampling for Drug Registration issued by SHFDA and the Decree No. [2006] 265 issued by the Drug Registration Division of SFDA. The first two can be downloaded at the Regulations Column of SFDA website http://www.sfda.gov.cn and at the Announcements Column of SHFDA website http://www.shfda.gov.cn.

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  • poorlittle


    Hard copy : generally means printed copy
    Soft copy : copy in electronic form (“give me a soft copy of this report” means give me an electronic file (by email, CD, thumb drive etc.) of the report.)

    Translation of copy:
    (1)    份 (such as “3 copies of blank application form”)
    (2)    副本 (such as “one original and 2 copies”)
    副本 may be in the form of carbon copy or photocopy (或手抄本等)
    But 复印本一定是副本, the corresponding English should be photocopy, not hard copy

    happyjyl 发表:Hard copy: 硬拷贝(由电子计算机,缩微胶卷等复制的无需专门设备即可阅读的打印件)。与之相反的是soft copy:软拷贝(显示在屏幕上的内容)。

  • 该帖子已被版主-happyjyl加5积分,加2经验;加分理由:积极讨论,给出详细解释和分析
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  • poorlittle


    Preliminary suggestions:

    If there is any commissioned research project involved, the original records should also be prepared in the same manner as stipulated above. Please liaise with the relevant research institute in advance.

    (1)………………Sign, stamp and date at the designated spaces on the last page.

    (3) The original of Drug Research Inspection Report Form in quintuplicate and one photocopy. (i.e. 5+1)
    (3) The original of Drug Research Inspection Report Form in quintuplicate and one set of photocopy. (i.e. 5+5)

    (4)………except the space (delineated with bold thick lines) reserved for official use
    (4)………except the space (delineated with bold thick lines) reserved for the use by the inspector

    (4) Should there be any special matter such as some original records were not incorporated into the binded bound volume etc., elaborate it in the Remarks Column. (or just "in the Remark")

  • 该帖子已被版主-happyjyl加10积分,加2经验;加分理由:积极讨论,提议很有启发性
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  • poorlittle


    Please also consider "outsourced research"

    (outsourced = contracted out)

    happyjyl 发表:的确,委托研究可以用contracted research。合同研究组织就是Contract Research Organization (CRO)。

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  • poorlittle


    I see. If your application is 受 , it means that 药监局 grants consent to proceed an inspection.

    Then, 受理通知书 is a notice of consent to proceed the inspection requested by you.

    Suggested translation for:

    ……submit a set of application dossier (including one application form and one photocopy of the Notice of Consent to Proceed the Inspection (hereafter called Notice of Consent)) together with the On-site Inspection Notification to ……

    “hereafter called” is commonly used in legal document to simplify long terms


    After re-consideration, the above seems incorrect.

    It seems that if your application is in order, 药监局受理处 will keep the materials of application (forms, records etc.) submitted by you and onward pass to 药监局XX处 to consider whether an inspection is to be proceeded. Then 受理通知书 seems an acknowledgement of receiving the application.

    happyjyl 发表:所以药检所和药监局的受理处都侧重于“受”,而不是“理”。

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  • poorlittle


    Suggested alternative:

    The following persons should be present on site during the inspection and render assistance as directed by the inspectors:
        * Research staff;
        * Persons in charge of pilot production, test, quality assurance and registration;
        * Heads of the organizations;
        * Keepers of the APIs, samples, original records, files and credence etc.;
        * Finance staff.

    All relevant staff should be on site and sign in person whenever required.

    happyjyl 发表:6、药品研制过程所涉及的各试验项目研究人员、样品试制、检验、质量保证负责人、药品注册负责人、机构负责人、相关的原材料、样品、各类原始记录、档案资料、票证凭据等的保管人员、财务人员在现场核查过程中应在岗,并按照现场核查人员的要求配合核查工作。所有相关人员需至检查现场亲笔签名。
    6. Research staff, persons in charge of pilot production, test, quality assurance and registration, heads of the organizations, keepers of the APIs, samples, original records, files and credence, and finance staff should be on the inspection site and support the inspectors. All relative staff should be on site and sign in person.

  • 该帖子已被版主-happyjyl加10积分,加2经验;加分理由:积极讨论,提议很有启发性
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  • happyjyl


    非常感谢!的确应该是photocopy。因为这里的复印件是指原件加盖公章后在复印机上复印出来的,而不是打印的,所以不应该用hard copy。

    poorlittle 发表:Translation of copy:
    (1)    份 (such as “3 copies of blank application form”)
    (2)    副本 (such as “one original and 2 copies”)
    副本 may be in the form of carbon copy or photocopy (或手抄本等)
    But 复印本一定是副本, the corresponding English should be photocopy, not hard copy

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  • happyjyl



    poorlittle 发表:It seems that if your application is in order, 药监局受理处 will keep the materials of application (forms, records etc.) submitted by you and onward pass to 药监局XX处 to consider whether an inspection is to be proceeded. Then 受理通知书 seems an acknowledgement of receiving the application.

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  • poorlittle


    7. The heads of the organizations being inspected should be familiar with the research of the product under application (assessment, evaluation ?) and capable to present to (or to brief?) the inspectors the basic process and key points of the research work.

    For any non-compliance to the requirements or any change without supplementary application for amendment, it shall be reported in writing with endorsement by means of official stamp, and also be indicated at the corresponding remark column of the “Drug Research Summary Form”

    happyjyl 发表:7、被核查单位负责人应熟悉所报品种的研制情况,并应向现场核查人员汇报产品研制的基本经过、研制过程中需要说明的问题。对于实际情况与有关要求不完全相符,以及尚未按规定递交变更申请等问题,应提供加盖公章的书面汇报,并在药品研制情况汇总表相应位置备注栏作出标注。
    7. The heads of the inspected organizations should be familiar with the research of the applied product and present to inspectors the process and questions subject to explanation. Present stamped written reports for problems such as failing to agree with relative requirements or to submit application for change as required and remarks in the Remarks Column of Drug Research Summary Form.
