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  • 第32楼2005/04/12


    Hydride generation atomic absorption
    spectrometry (HGAAS) is a sensitive and
    selective method for the determination of
    As(T) and arsenic(III); however, it is subject
    to metal interferences for acid mine waters.
    Antimony(III) and Sb(V) interfere with the
    HGAAS As(T) determination when the molar
    ratios of Sb(III) and Sb(V) exceed 4 and 2,
    respectively. Low As(III) recoveries occurred
    when the molar ratios of metals to As(III)
    were: Cu(II) greater than 120, Fe(III) greater
    than 70, Cr(VI) greater than 2, Cd greater
    than 800, Sb(III) greater than 3, Sb(V) greater
    than 12, or Se(IV) greater than 1. Samples
    could not be diluted to an As(III)
    concentration (As(III) less than 20 μg/L)
    below which these interferences were absent.
    Copper(II) and Fe(III) are of primary concern
    because water generated from acid mine
    drainage potentially contains high
    concentrations of Cu(II) and Fe(III).
    Separation of Fe(III) and Cu(II) from the
    sample while maintaining the existing
    As(III)/As(T) ratio can be achieved using
    cation exchange.
    Some acid mine waters contain high
    Fe(III) and Cu(II) and accurate measurements
    of As(III) is problematic without removing
    the Fe(III) and Cu(II) prior to hydride
    generation. Proper sample collection and
    preservation are critical to maintain the
    existing As(III/V) ratio prior to the analysis.
    Filtering samples through a 0.1 μm filter,
    acidifying with HCl to a pH less than 2, and
    storing in an opaque bottle at 4°C inhibits
    changes in the As(III)/As(T) ratios for up to
    15 months after sample collection.

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  • 第33楼2005/04/12


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