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  • 002048



    chemistryren(chemistryren) 发表:没办法,现在计量认证时有个误区,总认为标准曲线就应该是一次直线,上回我写了个二次拟合曲线上去还被退回重写.

    +关注 私聊
  • 002048



    chemistryren(chemistryren) 发表:没办法,现在计量认证时有个误区,总认为标准曲线就应该是一次直线,上回我写了个二次拟合曲线上去还被退回重写.

    +关注 私聊
  • megastar



    +关注 私聊
  • chemistryren



    megastar(megastar) 发表:你们在计算的时候,空白(0,0)点带入计算了吗?

    +关注 私聊
  • yubo726


    Nonlinear Through Zero
    If you expect the concentrations of your samples to be outside the linear range of the calibration curve , select this option. This option covers the widest concentration range. This calibration curve is forced to go through the point defined by the calibration blank which is set at zero absorbance and zero concentration. The equation for Nonlinear zero intercept is:
    In this expression, C is the concentration, A is the observed absorbance or emission, K1, K2, and K3 are coefficients determined during the calibration procedure, and K0 is the reslope coefficient that is set equal to 1.0 during the initial calibration. When the number of calibration standards used exceeds the number of coefficients, the method of least squares is used to determine the coefficients.
    The blank is always analyzed first, and the reading obtained is automatically subtracted from the readings from all subsequent calibration standards.
    Linear, Calculated Intercept
    If you expect the concentrations of your samples to be within the linear range of the calibration curve, select this option. This is often the case at low absorbance values and low concentration values. The calibration blank is treated as another calibration standard by the system and the intercept with the absorbance axis is calculated rather than fixed at zero concentration.
    The equation for linear calculated intercept is:A=K1+K2*C
    Linear Through Zero
    If you expect the concentrations of your samples to be within the linear range of the calibration, select this option. This is often the case at low absorbance values and low concentration values. This calibration curve is forced to go through the point defined by the calibration blank which is set at zero absorbance and zero concentration. The equation used for zero intercept linear calibration is: C=K0(-K1*A)
    In this expression, C is the concentration and A is the absorbance or emission, K1 is a proportionality coefficient, and K0 is the reslope coefficient, which is set to 1.0 for the initial calibration.
    A calibration curve defined using this equation is forced to go through the point 0, 0, zero absorbance and zero concentration, defined by the blank. When two or more calibration standards are used, the method of least squares is used to determine K1 .
    The blank is always analyzed first, and the reading obtained is automatically subtracted from the readings from all subsequent calibration standards.

    +关注 私聊
  • 飞叶



    +关注 私聊
  • 汉之广矣


    PE工程师给我们设置的是 线性,截距


    +关注 私聊
  • 冰山




    yubo726(yubo726) 发表:Nonlinear Through Zero
    If you expect the concentrations of your samples to be outside the linear range of the calibration curve , select this option. This option covers the widest concentration range. This calibration curve is forced to go through the point defined by the calibration blank which is set at zero absorbance and zero concentration. The equation for Nonlinear zero intercept is:
    In this expression, C is the concentration, A is the observed absorbance or emission, K1, K2, and K3 are coefficients determined during the calibration procedure, and K0 is the reslope coefficient that is set equal to 1.0 during the initial calibration. When the number of calibration standards used exceeds the number of coefficients, the method of least squares is used to determine the coefficients.
    The blank is always analyzed first, and the reading obtained is automatically subtracted from the readings from all subsequent calibration standards.
    Linear, Calculated Intercept
    If you expect the concentrations of your samples to be within the linear range of the calibration curve, select this option. This is often the case at low absorbance values and low concentration values. The calibration blank is treated as another calibration standard by the system and the intercept with the absorbance axis is calculated rather than fixed at zero concentration.
    The equation for linear calculated intercept is:A=K1+K2*C
    Linear Through Zero
    If you expect the concentrations of your samples to be within the linear range of the calibration, select this option. This is often the case at low absorbance values and low concentration values. This calibration curve is forced to go through the point defined by the calibration blank which is set at zero absorbance and zero concentration. The equation used for zero intercept linear calibration is: C=K0(-K1*A)
    In this expression, C is the concentration and A is the absorbance or emission, K1 is a proportionality coefficient, and K0 is the reslope coefficient, which is set to 1.0 for the initial calibration.
    A calibration curve defined using this equation is forced to go through the point 0, 0, zero absorbance and zero concentration, defined by the blank. When two or more calibration standards are used, the method of least squares is used to determine K1 .
    The blank is always analyzed first, and the reading obtained is automatically subtracted from the readings from all subsequent calibration standards.

    +关注 私聊
  • jorhanm



    +关注 私聊
  • kahn12345



    majachrist(majachrist) 发表:我们用的也是PE的原吸,上次特意问过PE的维护工程师,他说如果配制的曲线浓度相对较高,吸光度也比较高,选非线性曲线好一些,如果曲线浓度偏小,可以选线性。不过,他们一般建议一概选非线性不过原点~~~~
