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  • yanliangping


    Thomas Multi-Tube Vortexer
    Additional Info
    Hands-free vortexing of up to 50 tubes

    Automatic timer
    Electronic speed control
    Thomas multi-tube vortexer can handle up to 50 tubes or three micro-assay plates. Cycle time is adjustable from 1200 to 2400 rpm with electronic speed control. Built-in timer is adjustable from one second to one minute or continuous operation. Various tube sizes can be mixed by simply changing the foam tube racks. Unit easily adjusts to different tube heights. Solid steel posts secure tube support for safe operation. Heavy-duty base features a scratch resistant enamel finish. Dimensions: 17.25” W x 9” D x 16” H. Shipping weight is 45 lbs.
    Single Tube Holder

    Please Enter Your Order Info
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    Thomas No. Mfr. No. Description List Price Ext. Price
    8294C01 Multi-Tube Vortexer, 120V, 50/60 Hz $2,152.00/EA

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  • yanliangping



    Lab instruments > vortex mixers

    NO.: EOFO-945008
    Chinese Name: Talboys 基本型多管式旋涡混合器
    English name: Standard Multi-Tube Vortexer
    Model: 外形尺寸:24.1×38.4×40.6cm,包装重量:19.1kg
    Category: vortex mixers
    Size Long: Width: Height:
    Price: 24959.00 元
    Offers Price:
    Stock Status:

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  • yanliangping


    下面是一个FDA推荐的测定三聚氰胺的文章,用的是 VWR的多管振荡器



    Determination of Melamine and Cyanuric Acid Residues
    in Infant Formula using $$lc-MS/MS
    Sherri Turnipseed1, Christine Casey1, Cristina Nochetto2, David N. Heller2
    1 Denver Laboratory, Office of Regulatory Affairs, Food and Drug Administration
    2 Office of Research, Center for Veterinary Medicine, Food and Drug Administration


    The Laboratory Information Bulletin is a communication from the Division of Field Science, Office of Regulatory Affairs, U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the rapid dissemination of laboratory methods (or scientific regulatory information) which appear to solve a problem or improve an existing problem. In many cases, however, the report may not represent completed analytical work. The reader must assure, by appropriate validation procedures, that the reported methods or techniques are reliable and accurate for use as a regulatory method. Reference to any commercial materials, equipment, or process does not, in any way, constitute approval, endorsement, or recommendation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
    A liquid chromatography triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry ($$lc-MS/MS) method for residues of cyanuric acid (CYA) and melamine (MEL) developed by the Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) has been adapted for use with infant formula. This method consists of an initial extraction with 2.5% aqueous formic acid, followed by a series of filtration, centrifugation, and dilution steps. Both compounds are analyzed in the same chromatographic program using a zwitterionic HILIC $$lc column. Electrospray ionization is used in both the negative ion (CYA) and positive ion (MEL) modes. Two selected reaction monitoring (SRM) transitions are monitored for both compounds. The amount of compounds present is determined with a calibration curve consisting of sample extracts from infant formula fortified from 0.25 to 5 µg/g that have been taken through the extraction procedure. The range of recovery from fortified infant samples (n =38) was 70-114 % (RSDs 4.5- 22.7 %), and 72-110% (RSDs 5.7-24.9%) for cyanuric acid and melamine, respectively. The limits of quantification and confirmation are 0.25 µg/g for both analytes in dry infant formula.
    In 2007, pet food, animal feed, wheat gluten, and other protein-based food commodities were found to contain residues of melamine and a related compound, cyanuric acid. Widespread pet illness and death was subsequently attributed to the formation of melamine-cyanurate crystals in the kidneys of these animals. At that time, several laboratories developed methods for these compounds in pet food, raw protein sources, and other animal feeds. Because animals may eat food contaminated with melamine residues, analytical methods to determine melamine residues in fish and animal tissues were also developed. Recently, there has been a problem with contamination of infant formula with melamine and cyanuric acid in China. This is suspected of causing illness to many children in that country.
    A procedure has been evaluated for the simultaneous determination and confirmation of melamine and cyanuric acid in powdered milk-based infant formula. Results are reported to support the continued evaluation and application of this method. Concentrations are measured in the range of 0.25 to 5 µg/g (µg/g). Extracts at higher concentrations may be diluted into this range. The limits of quantification and confirmation are 0.25 µg/g for both analytes.
    Summary of Procedure
    Powdered samples (2 g) are extracted with 14 mL 2.5 % aqueous formic acid in a 50 mL polypropylene centrifuge tube. Extracts are centrifuged at 3750 g and then 1.4 mL of supernatant is transferred to a polypropylene Eppendorf tube and centrifuged at 16100 g (benchtop micro centrifuge). The extracts are filtered through PVDF syringe filters (0.2 micron pore) followed by dilution with acetonitrile and a second centrifugation at 16100 g. The extracts are analyzed by $$lc-MS/MS. A zwitterionic HILIC column is used to separate melamine from cyanuric acid. Melamine is detected in positive ion mode and cyanuric acid is detected in negative ion mode. Analyte concentrations are ca$$lculated using external standard calibration with a standard curve prepared in a pre-fortified control matrix which has been carried through the extraction procedure.
    Standards and Reagents
    Melamine (MEL). CAS #: 108-78-1. Sigma Chemical Company.
    Cyanuric acid (CYA). CAS #: 504-19-8. Fisher Chemical Company or TCI America.
    Acetonitrile (ACN.) $$lc grade. Burdick & Jackson high purity or equivalent.
    Formic acid. Reagent grade ≥ 95%. Sigma-Aldrich or Fisher Chemical Company.
    Water. $$lc grade, or purified by Millipore Milli-Q system to > 18 M-ohm resistivity, or equivalent.
    Ammonium Formate. Sigma-Aldrich or Fisher. Purity > 97%.
    0.1% Formic acid in water. Transfer 1 mL formic acid to 1 L graduated flask. Dilute to volume with $$lc water.
    Mobile Phase A. 0.1% Formic acid in Acetonitrile (5:95 v/v). Combine 50 mL of 0.1% formic acid in water with 950 mL ACN in a 1 L solvent bottle.
    Mobile Phase B. 20 mM Ammonium Formate in Acetonitrile (50:50 v/v). Combine 500 mL of 20 mM ammonium formate and 500 mL of acetonitrile in a 1 L solvent bottle.
    2.5% Formic acid in water. Transfer 25 mL formic acid to 1 L volumetric flask. Dilute to volume with $$lc grade water.
    20 mM Ammonium formate. Weigh 0.63 g of ammonium formate and dissolve in 0.5 L $$lc grade water.
    Liquid chromatograph. Binary $$lc pump is recommended for accurate mixing at low flow rate and rapid response to mobile phase gradient. (Waters, Agilent, Thermo Surveyor, or equivalent)
    Liquid chromatography column. ZIC-HILIC, 2.1 x 150mm, 5µm, 200 Å, (Available in US from Nest Group #Q2712-152) (Merck Sequant)
    Mass Spectrometer. Triple quadrupole capable of meeting system suitability. System used in the validation of infant formula was a Thermo (San Jose, CA) TSQ Quantum triple quadrupole mass spectrometer coupled to a Thermo Surveyor $$lc-MS pump and autosampler.
    Centrifuge. Capable of 4000 RPM with 50 mL tubes.
    Microcentrifuge. Capable of 13,000 RPM with 1.5 or 2 mL tubes. (Eppendorf or equivalent)
    Mixers and shakers. Single and multi tube vortex mixers (VWR), platform shaker.
    Utrasonic bath. Including timer and heater
    Centrifuge tubes. 50mL disposable polypropylene with caps, with graduations from 5 to 50 mL and 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tubes.
    Syringe Filters. Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), 13mm, 0.22um (Whatman Puradisc™)
    Syringes. Three mL polypropylene.

    +关注 私聊
  • yanliangping




    The intelligent vortex shaker has
    programmable speed up to 3200 RPM
    vigorous mixing of capped vessels
    Accommodates from 18 tubes (30 mm dia) to
    72 tubes (11 mm or 13 mm dia)
    Continuous and intermittent modes of
    Programmable automatic switching between
    continuous and intermittent modes (Patent
    Visual and audible alert on test completion
    Ideal for biochemical assays, resuspending
    pellets, vortexing cell suspensions and liquidliquid

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  • yanliangping



    The Multitube Vortexer is designed for mechanical and chemical cell lysis, mixing suspensions, and general sample agitation. This vortex mixer gives a distinctly different motion than shaking a sample. With vortexing, greater shearing forces are placed on materials in the bottom of a tube, thus promoting either disruption or solubility. The multi-tube vortex mixer is a tool to provide that extra degree of mixing, however it accommodates full racks of tubes or microwell plates as opposed to singe tubes. Consequently, this unit is useful for higher throughput mixing of samples.

    The multi tube vortexer can be used for resuspending bacterial pellets, mixing reagents for alkaline lysis plasmid preps, mixing of components for bead-based assays, mixing of aqueous and organic solutions for extractions, mixing of solid phase supports and reactants, and any other process which requires a vortexing step. This mixer is sturdy yet quiet in operation.

    The multi-tube vortexer is available as analog and digital modules in both 120 and 230V configurations.

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  • ailaijin




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  • yanliangping



    ailaijin(ailaijin) 发表:各位,这两天有好几位朋友问振荡器的代理公司和联系方式,


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  • ailaijin



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