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    Shimadzu Introduces World Fastest* Tandem Quadrupole $$lc/MS/MS System Provides Speed Beyond Comparison for Multi-Analyte Determination

    Shimadzu UHP$$lc Nexera and Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer $$lcMS-8030

    Shimadzu Corporation announces the ultra-fast triple quadrupole $$lc-MS system, the model $$lcMS-8030, and user-friendly LabSolutions $$lcMS workstation software. With its exceptionally fast electronics and robust design, the $$lcMS-8030 is ideally suited for analysis of a wide range of applications, such as detection of drugs and metabolites from large numbers of biological specimens, contaminants from environmental samples or pesticides in food for high-throughput laboratories.

    Shimadzu’s $$lcMS-8030 features the most innovative technology ever put into a commercial tandem quadrupole analyzer. The new instrument includes an ultra-fast pulse counting detection system, an innovative high-speed UFsweeperTM collision cell, and a novel RF power supply that can switch conditions and achieve complete stability in microseconds. These innovations allow this tandem quadrupole mass analyzer to provide the fastest measurements possible, including a scan speed of up to 15,000 u/sec without any compromise of resolution, sensitivity or mass range. With reproducible MRM results with just one millisecond dwell times, the $$lcMS-8030 can perform up to 500 different MRM measurements per second. With the current trend going toward higher pressure HP$$lc and faster operating speeds for greater throughput, the $$lcMS-8030 is the ideal detector to keep up with the ever faster chromatographic peaks. Fast 50 millisecond UHP$$lc peaks are now easily tamed by the $$lcMS-8030.

    *A triple quadrupole liquid chromatograph mass spectrometer ($$lc-MS) is a three-stage mass analyzer in which molecules in the form of ions are first selected by mass, fragmented in a collision cell, and then measured and quantitated in a separate quadrupole analyzer. This type of instrument provides extremely high selectivity of target constituents, provides quantitation at ultra-low levels, and can be used in wide-ranging fields from pharmaceuticals and life sciences to leading-edge materials research, foods, and environmental analysis.

    Development Background

    In recent years, interest in health and safety has grown significantly, and the list of regulated compounds and analytes has increased as well. For food safety, Japan implemented a “positive list” in 2006 which includes over 700 compounds that have to be measured and reported, and certifying safety is now a requirement for both importing and exporting countries. The demand for multi-compound and multi-analyte analysis continues to grow, even in emerging countries that mainly export agricultural products. In Japan, strengthening regulations for industrial use of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoate (PFOA), additives and residual pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCP) in the environment is progressing, which in turn is creating demand for instrumentation that provides reliable trace-level determination. In addition, pharmaceutical companies are under more pressure to speed up development of new drugs. Their demand for high-throughput analysis to test pharmacokinetics of possible drug candidates in clinical trials or providing faster quantitative results to support new development efforts is growing.

    Shimadzu Corporation is responding to market demand for fast and high-sensitivity analysis of trace-level and multi-analyte analysis by continually expanding our product line. Our recently released Nexera UHP$$lc features a world-class pressure range up to 130MPa (19000 psi), shortening analysis times and tripling the separation capacity, compared to typical 40 MPa (6000 psi) instruments. In order to instantly capture and ionize the samples separated by ultrafast $$lc and to obtain appropriate quantification data, speeding up the $$lc-MS is a necessity. Shimadzu Corporation answered this need in 2008 with the release of the world’s fastest single quad $$lcMS-2020, and now builds on that speed by introducing the incomparable $$lcMS-8030.

    Now, the
    $$lcMS-8030 will maximize the world-class performance of Nexera and provide the solution to the growing high-speed and trace-level analysis markets.

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  • 雾非雾



    Unique Product Features
    1) Ultra high-speed performance enables the world-class data acquisition speed and high reliability

    A unique technology created by Shimadzu with the $$lcMS-8030 enables world-class ultra high-speed measurement and reproducibility. In triple quadrupole $$lc/MS analysis, a collision gas is used to bring about collision induced dissociation (CID*) of ions in the cell. However, re-accelerating ions to the mass analyzer after collision has been a slow part of the operation. The “CID cell”, at the heart of the triple quadrupole $$lc-MS, incorporates Shimadzu’s innovative tapered “octaplate” UFsweeperTM cell technology (patent pending) that allows faster and more stable measurements than ever.

    The UFsweeperTM collision cell prevents cross-talk from accumulated ions from affecting the measurement of the next compound, ensuring highly stable and reliable data. For comparison purposes, the Shimadzu $$lcMS-8030 improves Relative Standard Deviation (RSD) values by a factor of two over currently available instruments.

    (*) Collision induced dissociation (CID) -fragments ionized compounds selected by the mass analyzer for further analysis.

    The $$lcMS-8030 provides ultra-fast MRM transitions, enabling data acquisition with up to 500 different channels per second. The improvements to the electronics provide ultra fast scan mass spectrum measurement speeds of 15,000 u/sec without sacrificing sensitivity or resolution, and ultra-fast polarity switching (15msec) for the most information without signal deterioration.

    These features result in superior reproducibility for detection of peaks only one second wide or less. For example, the $$lcMS-8030 can elute 226 pesticides included in the positive list within 2 minutes and easily provide reliable and accurate quantitative results.

    2) User-friendly operation and maintenance
    Unified software for $$lc and $$lc-MS

    Software is a critical component with respect to analytical instrumentation. The
    $$lcMS-8030 software was designed to provide intuitive, easy-to-use operation. It fully integrates operation of Shimadzu’s $$lc product lines (Nexera, Prominence) and $$lcMS-2020 single quadrupole $$lc-MS. Automated optimization of analytical conditions for each quantitative target compound, which is the key to high-sensitivity analysis, allows unattended, overnight operation, greatly lessening the burden on users. Finally, its multilingual support includes Japanese, English and (soon to come) Chinese.

    Automated optimization of analysis conditions
    The unified presentation of instrument parameters and displays
    was specifically designed to enhance user-friendly operation.

    Minimize instrument downtime with Easy Maintenance
    The desolvation capillary through which ions are guided into the MS can be quickly replaced without breaking vacuum, a process that otherwise requires spending a day conducting maintenance. In addition, switching between multiple ion sources is a quick, tool-free operation. These are some of the highly-valued features of the $$lcMS-2020 which have been incorporated into the $$lcMS-8030 to provide users with easier operation and maintenance.

    Shimadzu has the highest market share in our domestic market for applications such as R&D and impurity analysis in pharmaceuticals and chemical synthesis for single quadrupole $$lc-MS. We expect to engage with the newly developed $$lcMS-8030 into the triple quadrupole market.

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  • frappuccino



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  • doczx



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  • netsking


    一说起Shimadzu的LC控制和分析软件就上人头痛. 现在都是买硬件, 软件都是买一送一, 或者买一送二. 一个用来控制仪器, 其它的为Offline数据处理, 如Waters, AB Sciex, Agilent. Shimadzu可好, 软件不仅有个什么狗看家, Post run的软件还要付控制软件2/3的Money, 也太...

    独行的智慧(tanghuizhi01) 发表:日前,与美国Pittcon、德国Analytica及中国BCEIA齐名的日本最大的分析仪器展览会“JAIMA EXPO 2010 / SIS 2010”于日本千叶县幕张会展中心隆重开幕

    “JAIMA EXPO 2010 / SIS 2010”展会是一个集中展现世界范围内尤其是日本本土仪器厂商的科学仪器与技术最新进展的展览会,而本次展会也亮相不少新品,其中岛津就拿出来他们的高射炮:LCMS-8030三重四极杆液质联用仪



    LCMS-8030三重四极杆液质联用仪采用岛津公司独有技术,实现了世界领先水平的超快速性能和数据重现性。在三重四极杆液质联用仪高速分析中需要解决的课题是,在导入气体后进行离子碰撞解离的「CID碰撞室」中,如何在保持离子能量的状态下将离子高速送入质谱仪。其中,作为心脏部位的「CID碰撞室」采用了岛津公司专门开发的UF Sweeper®碰撞室,起到防止残留离子影响下一化合物测定的作用,消除记忆效应,即使在快速测定时也可获得高可靠性的定性・定量数据,保证痕量组分的准确定量分析结果。







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  • zhao1hao2985

