+关注 私聊
  • rock_rock


    Section 7 Supplementary

    39.The following terminology shall apply:

    i) Testing organization: technical organization with activities ofscientific experiments, examination, testing and calibration

    ii) Inspection Organization – technicalorganization with activities of certification related inspection of premiseswith product design and premises for processing of products, services,processes or manufacturing

    iii) Essential conditions for testing and inspectionorganization – the compliance of testing and inspection organization withdifferent aspects including legal status, impartiality, integrity, safety,environment, human resources, accommodation, facility, procedure and methods,quality management system and finance.

    iv) Competency of laboratory and inspectionorganization –through the implementation of primary conditions, laboratory andinspection organization possess the required experience and quality in theassurance of accuracy, reliability and stability of reported data and resultswith certification function.

    第七章 附  则

      第四十七条 下列用语的含义:

    40. Qualificationrecognition fees shall follow the statutory requirements of the country

      第四十八条 资质认定收费,应当按照国家有关规定办理。

    41. CNCA holds the interpretationauthority of this Order

      第四十九条 本办法由国家质量监督检验检疫总局负责解释。

    42. This Order is effectivefrom 2006.04.01 and replaces the “Administration Regulation of MetrologicalCertification for Product Quality Examination Organizations” published byNational Institute of Metrology on 1987.07.10.
      第五十条 本办法自200641日起施行。1987710日原国家计量局发布的《产品质量检验机构计量认证管理办法》同时废止。

    +关注 私聊
  • rock_rock

