+关注 私聊
  • rock_rock


    compendium should have wider coverage than 药典. In your quote explanation, USP,...are the "official" compendia in the US, and a compendium needs not be "official" but "a collected body of information...."

    Definition of "compendium" from Merriam-Webster:

    Definition of COMPENDIUM

    1 : a brief summary of a larger work or of a field of knowledge : abstract

    2 a : a list of a number of items b : collection, compilation

    See compendium defined for English-language learners »

    Examples of COMPENDIUM

    • a one-volume compendium of information
    • He published a compendium of folk tales.

    poorlittle(poorlittle) 发表:It seems that we have discussed the word compendium, and it means 药典. “Compendial” cannot be found in many English-English dictionaries, but it is probably the adjective of compendium.

    = = = = = =

    compendium (http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/compendia )

    [kəmpen′dē·əm] pl. compendia

    Etymology: L, compendere, to weigh

    a collected body of information on the standards of strength, purity, and quality of drugs. The official compendia in the United States are the United States Pharmacopoeia, the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States, and their supplements. See also formulary.

    +关注 私聊
  • poorlittle


    There are different meanings for the word
    compendium” in different fields such as art, business, computer etc., but I only quoted the meaning in the field of medicine (i.e. item 34 of http://www.onelook.com/?w=compendium&ls=a )
