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  • 无机麦地


    there are so many people in Shanghai that's means many opportunities.More prssure means you must work and learn all the time.
    Perhaps it's not a better choose for some one

    symmacros(jimzhu) 发表:Shanghai is active, busy, modern city in China, but the population is over as other city, life is expensive, people are busy for wok and life, more pressure.

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  • abcdefghijkl123


    in my opinion,SHANGHAI is one of most developed city,

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  • 无机麦地


    what about modern life?

    patriciaxie(patriciaxie) 发表:I don't like modern city.

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  • 无机麦地


    who don't let you go to Shanghai

    大大大大大大大大大大(370828703guan) 发表:上海人多 还不让外地人进去

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  • 天晴了


    Maybe I should say I don't belong to Shanghai.

    无机麦地(shuiyang88) 发表:which kind of people belongs to Shanghai?

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  • poorlittle


    It is said that the poor people living in those cities are for the purpose of serving the rich people.

    It is said that the high living cost in those cities is a mechanism of screening persons to decide who is worthwhile to live in those cities. Only the persons who are capable to earn lot of money can stay. The persons who cannot earn sufficient money would move to other cities, or stay to struggle in their life with the result of serving the rich people.

    无机麦地(shuiyang88) 发表:yes,people in Shanghai,Beijing or Guangzhou are rich.but there are also many poor people in those cities.

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  • 小M



    Shanghai is one of the windows of China, and many important events near yaers happened in Shanghai.

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  • symmacros



    How do think the following paragraph about Shanghai?

    Touch Shanghai - "The Paris of the East"

    Shanghai has become a base for many international corporations, and stock listings for leading Chinese firms. It is the China´s biggest and most prosperous city oozes an atmosphere of vitality and a dynamic which can rival New York in the United States and Paris of France in terms of modernity. And the city has been called the New York of China as a consequence.

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  • rock_rock


    I just come back from my Shanghai and Hangzhou vacation. Very hot summer! I stayed in youth hostel and visited Fudan University, 1933 and Tianzhifang. The cultural atmosphere there are quite good. The living standard of the area I stay is not as high as downtown. However, it's been a change compare with 10 years ago, when I visited Shanghai the first time.

    I saw the improvement of Shanghai people. In the Metro, I saw people are willing to give seat to those in need now. However, I don't understand why there're still beggars are allowed to beg for money freely in the Metro.