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  • poorlittle


    I searched with the key words “"circular genetic map" , E. Coli, min” and got:

    The origin of replication, oriC, of the E. coli K12 chromosome is located between the markers uncB and asn at 82.5 minutes on the circular genetic map.

    It seems that min stands for minute.

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  • 上海卓技



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  • rock_rock


    copied from my provided link:

    "Conjugation studies have been used to map over 1,000 genes along the circular E coli chromosome

    Genetic maps are scaled in minutes

    e.g., The E coli chromosome is 100 minutes long
    Conjugative transfer of the complete chromosome takes approximately 100 minutes
    Positions of genes indicate the relative times at which they are transferred"

    you'll get a much better idea with a picture of circular genetic map with the 100 minutes scale

    (note: conjugative transfer = 接合转移)

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  • 天黑请闭眼



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  • poorlittle


    From http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK7908/figure/A470/?report=objectonly

    Positions of representative genes are indicated on inner circle. Distances between genes are calibrated in minutes, based on times required for transfer during conjugation. Position of threonine (thr) locus is arbitrarily designated as 0 minutes, and other assignments are relative to thr. On next circle, symbols and arrowheads identify specific Hfr donor strains of E. coli and their characteristics. For each Hfr strain the point of arrowhead is the origin for chromosomal transfer; oriented transfer of chromosome during conjugation proceeds from point of arrowhead, followed immediately by base of the arrowhead, and so on. F' plasmids are identified by numbers, and the fragment of the E. coli chromosome present in each F' plasmid is represented by an arc corresponding to a specific segment of the circular genetic map. See text for definitions of Hfr and F' donor strains and for description of the conjugal mating system in E. coli. From Bachman, B.M., Low, K.B. Microbiol Rev, 1980;44:31.

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  • zhang8826857



    原文由 poorlittle(poorlittle) 发表:From http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK7908/figure/A470/?report=objectonly Positions of representative genes are indicated on inner circle. Distances between genes are calibrated in minutes, based on times required for transfer during conjugation. Position of threonine (thr) locus is arbitrarily designated as 0 minutes, and other assignments are relative to thr. On next circle, symbols and arrowheads identify specific Hfr donor strains of E. coli and their characteristics. For each Hfr strain the point of arrowhead is the origin for chromosomal transfer; oriented transfer of chromosome during conjugation proceeds from point of arrowhead, followed immediately by base of the arrowhead, and so on. F' plasmids are identified by numbers, and the fragment of the E. coli chromosome present in each F' plasmid is represented by an arc corresponding to a specific segment of the circular genetic map. See text for definitions of Hfr and F' donor strains and for description of the conjugal mating system in E. coli. From Bachman, B.M., Low, K.B. Microbiol Rev, 1980;44:31.

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  • zhang8826857



    原文由 poorlittle(poorlittle) 发表:I searched with the key words “"circular genetic map" , E. Coli, min” and got: The origin of replication, oriC, of the E. coli K12 chromosome is located between the markers uncB and asn at 82.5 minutes on the circular genetic map.It seems that min stands for minute.

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  • zhang8826857



    原文由 天黑请闭眼(shxie) 发表:感觉是“分”,是弧度计量里面的一个单位,一般为度,分。

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  • poorlittle


    I just found that orientation is also used in E. Coli., but the unit is degree. See四. 討論 Paragraph 3 at proj1.sinica.edu.tw/~hispj/news/poster/94/Hou,%20tian-qi.pdf

    ……在第193980個鹼基對開始(在環狀基因圖譜上位170°的位置),長1497個鹼基對的基因,在定序並. 研究其功能後,命名為bglC,其功能為endo-1,4-beta- ……

    = = = = = =

    Generally, we use radian or degree to measure the angle / orientation, such as 32.56° or 123°45’21” and seldom use minute ( ’ ) alone.


    天黑请闭眼(shxie) 发表:

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  • yuduoling



    rock_rock(rock_rock) 发表:大概是方向指示,25min即是5点钟的方向
