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  • delingha



    picard(yuan314159) 发表:比较的话,可以按药典要求,当然药典的要求是相当宽松的。

    Table 1.Recommended Near-IR Instrument Specificationsa

    Wavelength UncertaintySRM1920a peaksboccur at 1261,1681,and 1935nm
    Tolerances±1nm at 1200nmor ±8cm-1at 8300cm-1
    ±1nm at 1600nmor ±4cm-1at 6250cm-1
    ±1.5nm at 2000nmor ±4cm-1at 5000cm-1
    Photometric LinearityAOBSvs AREFat 1200,1600,and 2000nm;c
    slope =1.0±0.05;intercept =0.0±0.05
    Spectrophotometric Noisemeasured for 100-nm (300cm-1)segments between 1200and 2200nm (8300and 4500cm-1)
    Average RMSfor measurements
    at high-light flux
    less than 0.3×10-3;no RMSnoise greater than 0.8×10-3
    Average RMSfor measurements
    at low-light flux
    less than 1×10-3;no RMSnoise greater than 2.0×10-3

    a Amaximum nominal instrument bandwidth of 10nm at 2500nm or 16cm-1at 4000cm-1is appropriate for most applications.

    b The nominal 1935-nm peak is sensitive to instrument bandwidth.Use the wavelength value supplied with SRM1920a at the appropriate instrument bandwidth to determine wavelength uncertainty.

    c AOBSis the observed absorbance,and AREFis the tabulated absorbance of the reference reflectors at each of the three specified wavelengths.

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  • 仅我一个人渐渐颓废


    要是做食品检测的话我个人建议用qc-leader这款仪器 因为我们现在用的就是这款仪器 做起来还挺方便的 而且会提供出期模型 后期支持也挺不错的

    +关注 私聊
  • 又黑又瘦


    我单位用的是中安信达QC Leader(ip54)一致性和重现性都还不错,而且感觉挺耐用的,有次不小心一杯咖啡洒了,溅到机器上好多,我以为会出什么状况,结果什么也没发生。