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  • 燕飞



    sega741(sega741) 发表:CHPA现行有效的标准号是什么啊

    +关注 私聊
  • 依风1986




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  • 依风1986



    4.2 Transfer the removed coating to a mortar and grind the sample with a pestle. An electric
    grinder may be used when the sample is too difficult to grind with a pestle and a mortar.
    Sieve the ground coating with a 500 :m sieve. The sample passing the 500 :m is then
    sieve through a 250 :m. The portion of the ground coating that passes the 500 :m and
    do not pass the 250 :m is used for the test. Place the portion in a weighing vessel and
    dry to constant weight (to the nearest 1 mg) in an air convection oven at 60OC for 1 hour
    Remove the vessel from the oven and cool in a desiccator.
    4.3 Accurately transfer 100 mg of the dried coating into a tared 100 mL beaker and weigh to
    the nearest 0.1 mg. Add 20 mL of the 5% (v/v) HCl leaching solution and immediately
    start stirring for 10 ±1 min at 20 ± 2°C with the use of an oscillating hotplate or a
    magnetic stirrer. Filter the solution, with a filter paper Whatman no.40 and a glass
    funnel, into a 50 mL centrifuge tube, wash with a few mL of deionized water, add 1 mL
    of concentrated nitric acid, and make up to volume with deionized water.

  • 该帖子已被版主-燕飞加5积分,加2经验;加分理由:积极应助
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  • sega741



    依风1986(xurunjiao5339) 发表:附C-03标准.
    4.2 Transfer the removed coating to a mortar and grind the sample with a pestle. An electric
    grinder may be used when the sample is too difficult to grind with a pestle and a mortar.
    Sieve the ground coating with a 500 :m sieve. The sample passing the 500 :m is then
    sieve through a 250 :m. The portion of the ground coating that passes the 500 :m and
    do not pass the 250 :m is used for the test. Place the portion in a weighing vessel and
    dry to constant weight (to the nearest 1 mg) in an air convection oven at 60OC for 1 hour
    Remove the vessel from the oven and cool in a desiccator.
    4.3 Accurately transfer 100 mg of the dried coating into a tared 100 mL beaker and weigh to
    the nearest 0.1 mg. Add 20 mL of the 5% (v/v) HCl leaching solution and immediately
    start stirring for 10 ±1 min at 20 ± 2°C with the use of an oscillating hotplate or a
    magnetic stirrer. Filter the solution, with a filter paper Whatman no.40 and a glass
    funnel, into a 50 mL centrifuge tube, wash with a few mL of deionized water, add 1 mL
    of concentrated nitric acid, and make up to volume with deionized water.

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  • sega741



    +关注 私聊
  • 依风1986




    sega741(sega741) 发表:那你们按最新CO3的标准是用ICPMS测试吗

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  • sega741



    +关注 私聊
  • 依风1986




    sega741(sega741) 发表:不会吧,五种可迁移都一直是1000啊,

    +关注 私聊
  • 燕飞



    sega741(sega741) 发表:那你们按最新CO3的标准是用ICPMS测试吗

    +关注 私聊
  • xyq_lg2005


    4 Experimental Procedure
    4.1 Scrape off the applied coating from the test sample with a scalpel, or other
    suitable scraping tool, being careful not to remove any of the underlying
    substrate material. Alternatively, the coating can be removed with
    tetrahydrofuran (THF) or a suitable solvent (Note 2). Collect into an appropriate
    weighting vessel, evaporate the solvent from the removed coating and dry to
    constant weight (to the nearest 1 mg) in an air convection oven at 60°C ± 3°C
    for at least 1 hour. This may take several hours. Record the drying time in the
    oven Log book. Remove the vessel from the oven and cool in a desiccator.
    4.2 Transfer the removed coating to a mortar and grind the sample with a pestle. An
    electric grinder may be used when the sample is too difficult to grind with a
    pestle and a mortar. Sieve the ground coating with a 500 :m sieve. The
    sample passing through the 500 :m sieve is then sieved through a 250 :m
    sieve. The portion of the ground coating that passes the 500 :m and does not
    pass the 250 :m is used for the leaching test. Place the sieved portion in a
    weighing vessel and dry to constant weight (to the nearest 1 mg) in an air
    convection oven at 60°C ± 3°C. This may take about an hour. Record the drying
    time in the oven Log book and on the Results of Analysis data sheet. Remove
    the vessel from the oven and cool in a desiccator.
    4.3 Transfer a sufficient amount (i.e 5g) of the standard reference material (NIST
    1633b or NIST 2710) to an appropriate vessel. Dry it as required by the
    certificate of analysis, in an air convection oven at 60°C ± 3°C for at least 1
    hour. Remove the vessel from the oven, cool and store in a desiccator.
    4.4 Prepare the 5% (v/v) HCl leaching solution by diluting 50 mL of concentrated
    (approx. 37% w/w) hydrochloric acid to 1000mL with ultra-pure water.
    4.5 Dried coating
    4.5.1 Transfer about 100 mg of the dried coating into a tared 100 mL beaker
    and weigh to the nearest 0.1 mg. Add 20 mL of the 5% (v/v) HCl
    leaching solution and immediately start stirring for 10 ± 1 minutes at
    20°C ± 3°C with the use of digital shaker (speed 140) or a magnetic
    stirrer. At the end of the 10 ± 1 minutes, immediately filter the solution
    through a Whatman no. 40 filter paper in a funnel, into a 50 mL
    volumetric flask or certified 50 mL sample tube. Wash with a few mL of
    ultra-pure water, add 1 mL of concentrated nitric acid, and make up to
    volume with ultra-pure water. At least three replicate analyses should
    be performed on each coating sample.
    4.6 Control sample
    4.6.1 Transfer about 100 mg of the standard reference material (NIST 1633b
    or NIST 2710) into a tared 100 mL beaker and weigh to the nearest 0.1
    mg. Add 20 mL of the 5% (v/v) HCl leaching solution and immediately
    start stirring for 10 ± 1 minutes at 20°C ± 3°C wit h the use of digital
    shaker (140 speed) or a magnetic stirrer. At the end of the 10 ± 1
    minutes, immediately filter the solution through a Whatman no. 40 filter
    paper in a funnel, into a 50 mL volumetric flask or certified 50 mL sample
    tube. Wash with a few mL of ultra-pure water, add 1 mL of concentrated
    nitric acid, and make up to volume with ultra-pure water. Prepare this
    control in duplicate.
    4.7 Method blanks
    4.7.1 Prepare a blank solution by adding 20 mL of the 5% (v/v) HCl leaching
    solution to a 100 mL beaker and immediately start stirring for 10 ± 1 min.
    at 20ºC ± 3ºC with the use of digital shaker (speed 140) or a magnetic
    stirrer. At the end of the 10 ± 1 min. immediately filter the solution,
    through a Whatman no. 40 filter paper in a funnel, into a 50 mL
    volumetric flask or certified 50 mL sample tube. Wash with a few mL of
    ultra-pure water, add 1 mL of concentrated nitric acid, and make up to
    volume with ultra-pure water.
    4.8 Prepare a 2.0% (v/v) nitric acid diluting solution by diluting 20 mL of concentrated
    (approx. 69% w/w) nitric acid to 1000mL with ultra-pure water.
    4.9 Dilute the worked-up leachate solutions prepared in sections 4.5, 4.6, 4.7 ten
    times using 2% (v/v) nitric acid.

  • 该帖子已被版主-燕飞加5积分,加2经验;加分理由:积极帮助版友