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  • jiangwibo



    +关注 私聊
  • 第八块腹肌



    jiangwibo(jiangwibo) 发表:十溴二苯醚低温会结晶,所以储存条件它写的是常温/超声吧。我们一般都是放4度冰箱保存,用的时候拿到外面到室温,摇匀开瓶取用(还真没用超声)。标品真心贵,剩下的用安焙瓶装起来放冰箱。还有貌似‘山寨的标品’,好像是什么挪威产的,不知道大家用过没?供应商说网上可以查证书的,问题是现在山寨注册网也很多啊

    +关注 私聊
  • 第八块腹肌


    If AccuStandard has a product with known or suspected solubility problems that can be corrected by sonication, “sonicate” is written on the label. An example of when this could happen is with products that may precipitate out of solution when they get cold. During shipment we cannot control the temperature of the products, and some of the less soluble analytes may start to precipitate out. This precipitation may be so slight that it cannot be detected visually, however, could affect the outcome of the analysis. If you receive a product that says sonicate, the solution should be warmed to room temperature and then the sealed ampule should be sonicated in an ultrasonic bath for approximately fifteen minutes. Invert the ampule several times to achieve homogeneity, allow the sample to return to room temperature, and then the standard is ready for use.


    AccuStandard, Inc.

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    +关注 私聊
  • 第八块腹肌



    第八块腹肌(nyzhl04152) 发表:If AccuStandard has a product with known or suspected solubility problems that can be corrected by sonication, “sonicate” is written on the label. An example of when this could happen is with products that may precipitate out of solution when they get cold. During shipment we cannot control the temperature of the products, and some of the less soluble analytes may start to precipitate out. This precipitation may be so slight that it cannot be detected visually, however, could affect the outcome of the analysis. If you receive a product that says sonicate, the solution should be warmed to room temperature and then the sealed ampule should be sonicated in an ultrasonic bath for approximately fifteen minutes. Invert the ampule several times to achieve homogeneity, allow the sample to return to room temperature, and then the standard is ready for use.


    AccuStandard, Inc.