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  • erma0402



    happyjyl 发表:VolunteerMatch at a Glance

    Suppose you’ve recently moved to a new city and are looking for a place to volunteer, or you’re developing an interest in an important social issue, or you want to spend a weekend doing something to make the world a better place: how can you turn your good intentions into action? VolunteerMatch has provided an effective answer to this question for hundreds of thousands of people across the U.S. since its founding in 1998.

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  • erma0402


    通过网络发起,VolunteerMatch 是美国最大的以网络为基础的志愿服务组织。它的创始人,Jay Backstrand从Sun Microsystems 开始他的职业,在那里他是NetDay的组织者之一,NetDay是指通过超过25000名志愿者通过网络连接加里福尼亚的学校。受网络潜力的启发,Backstrand决定创建并且运行一个网站,网站允许一些非赢利组织为他们的志愿者提供免费的机会。这种想法实施了,不久他离开Sun 开始全职从事他的非赢利班块。

    happyjyl 发表:Launched at the height of the Internet start-up boom, VolunteerMatch is the largest web-based volunteer-matching service in the country. Its founder, Jay Backstrand, began his career at Sun Microsystems where he was one of the principal organizers of NetDay, a service day that mobilized more than 25,000 volunteers to connect California schools to the Internet. Inspired by the Internet’s potential, Backstrand decided to create and run a website that would allow nonprofit organizations to post their volunteer opportunities for free. The idea took off, and before long he had left Sun to run the nonprofit site full time.