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    Insp_cf69d5e0(Insp_cf69d5e0) 发表:XRD精修不好弄

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    Insp_7d688614(Insp_7d688614) 发表:楼主,我是64位的,可以给我发一下MAUD和Java吗,邮箱3023717453@qq.com

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  • Insp_7d688614



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  • 水清鱼读月



    1. 先安装JAVA平台v1.7版本,就是运行jre-7u51-windows-i586,正常一路Next就好了;
    2. JAVA安装完成后,打开C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin目录,执行javacpl配置程序,在“更新”选项卡中去掉“自动更新”;以免将来JAVA自动更新后MAUD无法使用。这个我也不肯定啊,但是保险起见,我自己勾掉了,选择不更新;
    3. 把MAUD程序使用WINRAR或者其他的解压缩软件解压,然后把解压出来的MAUD文件夹拷贝到C:\Program Files\Java目录,执行maud.bat批处理程序,软件会弹出界面,要求你同意license,当然要点“I Accept”,然后程序会说这是第一次运行,需要初始化,并指定一个文件夹作为工作目录,我在D盘预先新建了个MAUD00文件夹,这里将指定的文件夹指向这个目录,点击“Extract here”,软件会把一些例子文件解压缩到这个MAUD00文件夹,并进入MAUD界面;
    4. 点击MAUD界面中的Help,可以看到这是2010年发布的2.33版本;
    5. 以后直接点击C:\Program Files\Java\MAUD目录中的Maud.jar文件即可运行MAUD;

    Insp_7d688614(Insp_7d688614) 发表:好的,万分感谢,但是没有找到安装说明,点进去有许多文件,不知道哪个是安装程序

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  • 水清鱼读月




    Windows64 Instructions
    Posted on June 22, 2015 by admin

    First extract everything from the Maud.zip you downloaded. You should get a Maud directory with the following structure:

    maud.bat (to start Maud))
    lib (directory)
    licenses (directory)
    plugins (directory)
    Move the maud directory with all the content in the place you are more comfortable with. Be sure you have the rights to write in that directory.
    Start Maud by double clicking the maud.bat (Do not start Maud double clicking the Maud.jar, even if it may start, it will not be fully operative!).
    The first time Maud run, it will show the license agreement window and after you press the OK button it will show a dialog asking for a directory where to extract some files. These are files needed by Maud (databases, preferences etc. plus some examples) and to avoid to pollute your Maud directory it is advised to create another directory (it can be located inside the Maud one, we will call it the examples directory in the following). Be sure to enter inside the newly created example directory before pressing the Extract here button.
    To check everything is ok, from the File menu, choose Open analysis… and choose the alzrc.par file inside the example directory. After loading it, press the calculator button in the toolbar to calculate the pattern. You should see a nice fit of the data with the residuals. You are set and ready to use Maud. If not check the troubleshooting section.

    Tips (before or after installation)

    How to check if you have a 32bit or 64bit java VM installed:
    Open a command prompt window. In Windows 8 you can find it from the Start window, in the down screen Apps by name under Windows System (first entry). In Windows 7 and before from the Start menu choose run command and type cmd.exe. In the command prompt window type:
    java -version
    and check on the line starting with Java Hotspot if it written 32 or 64bit. If java is unrecognized as a command, you have the same problem as described in troubleshooting Case 1. Use the full path to specify the command.
    In general if java is installed inside Program Files it should be 64bit, if it is instead inside Program Files(x86) is 32bit.
    If you have some troubles starting or running Maud and nothing you do can solve it, check first you have a startingLog file in the Maud directory. If there is not this file you don’t have java installed or the maud.bat cannot find it, check the troubleshooting section. Otherwise you can send it to the Maud author for help along with the content of the Maud console if you can reach the Maud main window.
    How to activate the Maud console and get more output, info and errors reported: when the Maud main window opens, select console visible from the Interface menu.
    On some Windows installation you may get an error message like:
    WARNING: Could not open/create prefs root node Software\JavaSoft\Prefs at root 0x80000002. Windows RegCreateKeyEx(…) returned error code 5.
    The problem is due to the fact that java has no more the rights to create the Prefs key on the registry. But you can create it manually once and then there are no more problems.
    Here are the steps:
    Go into your Start Menu and type regedit into the search field. Start regedit.
    Navigate to path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\JavaSoft
    Right click on the JavaSoft folder and click on New -> Key
    Name the new Key Prefs and everything should work.

    Where is the structure.mdb database? In the new version all these accessory files are located in your Home directory under AppData/Local/maud and another copy is in the Maud examples folder, located at: Documents/maud/examples.

    If something does not work, be sure your java virtual machine is properly installed and working and that you didn’t have a corrupted download of Maud. Re-downloading it sometimes solves the corrupted download problem. But be aware of proxy caching the downloads, it means that if the corrupted download is in the cache of the proxy server, you will download again the same corrupted archive. Changing network for the download or forcing a refresh and download 1-2 days after may solve the caching problem.

    Maud does not start using the maud.bat.
    Try double-clicking the Maud.jar: if Maud starts, then you have a proper java installed, click cancel on the license agreement window and proceed with I have Java; if Maud does not start, install java from the official website, then try again with the maud.bat
    I have java but Maud does not start.
    There are two possible problems and for both you have to edit the maud.bat by right clicking with the mouse on it and choose Edit from the menu. The maud.bat has only one line containing the following:
    java -mx4096M -cp Maud.jar;lib/ij.jar it.unitn.ing.rista.Maud
    The first word, java, invokes the java virtual machine, then -mx4096M specify the maximum memory java can use for Maud (4Gb in this case), the -cp specify the classpath for Maud (the jar libraries to use) and finally it.unitn.ing.rista.Maud the starting class (that is contained in the Maud.jar). So the possible two problems are:
    Case 1: java is not a recognised command. You need to add the full path to maud.bat. So first locate in your computer where java.exe is installed. Typically in something like C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin, copy the path (by clicking the mouse in the Explorer toolbar after the end of the path field to select it, it will transform in a traditional string with the path elements, and then you ctrl C to copy to clipboard) and paste it or write it before the java command in the maud.bat. Add the double quote before and after java if the path contains some white spaces. You will end up with something like: C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\java -mx4096M -cp Maud.jar;lib/ij.jar it.unitn.ing.rista.Maud. Save maud.bat and try again to run maud.bat by double clicking it. If it still does not start check Case 2
    Case 2: the maximum memory specified is more than what your java virtual machine can support. You may have a java 32 bit VM installed, so the maximum memory usable by java is between 1.2 and 1.7 Gb depending on System configuration and loading. Edit the maud.bat file and change the -mx option to -mx1024M to check if the memory is the problem. If it works you have installed a 32bit java VM. This happens typically when you download java using IE from the Desktop environment in Windows 8. If you want the 64bit java VM, use IE from the Start screen on Windows 8, or in the Java web site specify you want to choose the java VM to install and then choose the 64bit jre (Java Runtime Environment).
    Maud start, but you are not able to arrive to the Maud main window.
    You may have either a Java VM not working properly or a corrupted Maud installation, in either case try to re-download one or the others or both and re-install them. Otherwise, check the startingLog file created inside the Maud directory when Maud starts and in case send it to Maud author. Check the Tips section for more.

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  • Insp_e54026fa


    谢谢楼主留个联系方式可好 想请教

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  • 水清鱼读月




    Insp_e54026fa(Insp_e54026fa) 发表:谢谢楼主留个联系方式可好 想请教

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