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产品名称:染色体区域稳定蛋白/核输出蛋白1抗体 英文名称:anti-exportin 1/crm1 供应商:远慕生物 靶点:Exportin 1/CRM1 克隆性:多克隆 标记物:HRP等 宿主:鼠,牛,马,兔,羊等 适应物种:Human, Mouse, Rat等 亚型:IgG 形态:液体或固体 交叉反应:Human, Mouse, Rat, (predicted: Pig, ) 产品应用:ELISA=1:500-1000 IHC-P=1:100-500 IHC-F=1:100-500 IF=1:100-500 (石蜡切片需做抗原修复) not yet tested in other applications.optimal dilutions/concentrations should be determined by the end user. 保存条件:Shipped at 4℃. Store at -20 °C for one year. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles. PubMed PubMed 产品介绍:CRM1 (chromosome region maintenance 1 protein homolog) mediates the nuclear export of cellular proteins (cargoes) bearing a leucine-rich nuclear export signal (NES) and of RNAs. In the nucleus, in association with RANBP3, CRM1 binds cooperatively to the NES on its target protein and to the GTPase Ran in its active GTP-bound form. Docking of this complex to the nuclear pore complex (NPC) is mediated through binding to nucleoporins. Upon transit of a nuclear export complex into the cytoplasm, disassembling of the complex and hydrolysis of Ran-GTP to Ran-GDP (induced by RANBP1 and RANGAP1, respectively) cause release of the cargo from the export receptor. The direction of nuclear export is thought to be conferred by an asymmetric distribution of the GTP- and GDP-bound forms of Ran between the cytoplasm and nucleus. CRM1 also mediates the nuclear export of the Rev protein of HIV-1 and Rex protein of HTLV-1. It is involved in Rex dimerization, U3 snoRNA transport from Cajal bodies to nucleoli. CRM1 is also involved in the control of several cellular processes by controlling the localization of cyclin B, MPAK, and MAPKAP kinase 2. CRM1 is also involved in the regulation NFAT and AP-1. Subunit: Found in a U snRNA export complex with RNUXA/PHAX, NCBP1, NCBP2, RAN, XPO1 and m7G-capped RNA (By similarity). Component of a nuclear export receptor complex composed of KPNB1, RAN, SNUPN and XPO1. Found in a trimeric export complex with SNUPN, RAN and XPO1. Found in a nuclear export complex with RANBP3 and RAN. Found in a 60S ribosomal subunit export complex with NMD3, RAN, XPO1. Interacts with DDX3X, NMD3, NUPL2, NUP88, NUP214, RANBP3 and TERT. Also found in complex with several viral proteins involved in RNAs' nuclear export like HIV-1 Rev and HTLV-1 Rex. Interacts presumably with influenza A nucleoprotein. Interacts with Epstein-Barr virus BMLF1. Interacts with NEMF (via its N-terminus). Interacts with the monomeric form of BIRC5/survivin deacetylated at 'Lys-129'. Subcellular Location: Cytoplasm. Nucleus, nucleoplasm. Nucleus, Cajal body. Nucleus, nucleolus. Note=Located in the nucleoplasm, Cajal bodies and nucleoli. Shuttles between the nucleus/nucleolus and the cytoplasm. Tissue Specificity: Expressed in heart, brain, placenta, lung, liver, skeletal muscle, pancreas, spleen, thymus, prostate, testis, ovary, small intestine, colon and peripheral blood leukocytes. Not expressed in the kidney. Similarity: Belongs to the exportin family. Contains 10 HEAT repeats. Contains 1 importin N-terminal domain. SWISS:O14980 Gene ID:7514 Database links: Entrez Gene: 7514 Human Entrez Gene: 103573 Mouse Entrez Gene: 85252 Rat Omim: 602559 Human SwissProt: O14980 Human SwissProt: Q6P5F9 Mouse SwissProt: Q80U96 Rat Unigene: 370770 Human Unigene: 217547 Mouse Unigene: 34087 Rat Important Note: This product as supplied is intended for research use only, not for use in human, therapeutic or diagnostic applications. 免疫组化结果分析: 1、首先要确定免疫组化技术是否合格,合格的染色结果应该是背景颜色浅淡或无着色,而阳性标志物清晰和定位明确。 切片中的正常组织可以作为最简便的对照来判断染色结果的可靠与否,例如用vimentin抗体,间质成纤维细胞利血管壁平滑肌细胞胞浆应呈阳性。肯定为阳性的对照组织却呈阴性,待测组织的染色结果也就不可靠;这现象常是由于抗体失效或过度稀释、组织中抗原严重丢失等。 2、不仅要判断所检组织中有或无阳性标记物,还要注意阳性信号的分布部位和形态特征。 一般说来,阳性信号应与被测抗原所在的部位一致,大部分细胞抗原位于胞质内,其中亦有区别,有的阳性颗粒弥散于整个细胞的胞质,有的则呈斑块状局限于胞浆某处。还有些抗原同时分布于胞质和胞膜(如胃肠腺癌细胞的ema),或核与胞质(如s-100、hmb-45)。同一种抗原在不同类型的细胞可定位不同,因而分布的特点也有一定的鉴别意义。 远慕生物公司优势: 1.拥有一批专业高效的研发团队,专门解决客户在实验过程中遇到的各种难题; 2.多年的应用经验积累; 3. 产品齐全,满足不同客户的使用需求; 4.库存充足,供货周期短,能解决客户的急需问题; 5.我们秉承诚信至上、务实做事的信条,是客户值得信赖的合作伙伴。


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