
  1. 类别:分析方法/应用文章
  2. 上传人:欧兰科技
  3. 上传时间:2009/12/27 21:13:20
  4. 文件大小:2682K
  5. 下载次数:32
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Auto-Compensating LII (AC-LII) 􀁺 two-color pyrometry to determine the particle temperature — permits use of low-fluence — particles are kept below the sublimation temperature 􀁺 this new technique automatically compensates for any changes in the experimental conditions — fluctuations in local ambient temperature — variation in laser fluence — laser beam attenuation by the particulate matter — desorption of condensed volatile material AC-LII Features 􀁺in situ and nonintrusive 􀁺 signal is proportional to soot volume fraction 􀁺spatially resolved 􀁺 time resolved 􀁺 large measurement range — not limited by aggregate size 􀁺high precision and repeatability 􀁺 high speed data acquisition and analysis AC-LII Benefits 􀁺dilution of sample not required 􀁺stable measurement of elemental carbon 􀁺 insensitive to presence of other species 􀁺can operate at very low concentrations 􀁺real-time results 􀁺cycle-resolved measurements possible 􀁺can provide particulate morphology (size, size distribution, number density) when combined with scattering


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