VHG Labs油品资料—全球最大的金属油基和水基标准样品供应商

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  2. 上传人:佰汇兴业
  3. 上传时间:2010/3/30 16:27:55
  4. 文件大小:829K
  5. 下载次数:157
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油类标准样品 Pertoleum Standards 标准废油分析 Standards for Used Oil Analysis 废油分析 PTP Program for Used Oil Analysis 单元素磨损金属有机标准 Single-Element, Wear Metal Metallo-Organic Standards 多元素金属磨损标准 Multi-Element Wear Metal Standards 内部标准 Internal Standards 金属添加剂标准 Metal Additive Standards 基体空白和溶剂 Matrix Blanks and Solvents 稳定磨损金属标准 Stabilizer for Wear Metal Standards 多元素冷却剂标准 Multi-Element Coolant Standard 燃料稀释标准 Fuel Dilution Standards 裂纹检测的参考标准 Crackle Test References 卡尔费休滴定认证参考标准 Karl Fischer Titration Certified Reference Standards 烟尘含量标准 Soot Content Standards 氮、硫、氯金属标准 Standards for S, N, Cl and Metals 单元素无硫金属有机标准 Single Element Sulfur-Free Metallo-Organic Standards 金属有机标准 Metallo-Organic Concentrates X射线荧光分析 Internal Standards for XRF Analysis 喷雾抑爆剂AA分析 Ionization Suppressant for AA Analysis 氮标准 Nitrogen Standards 硫和金属油标 Sulfur and Metals in Oil Standards 聚硫石油标准 Polysulfide Oil Standards Sulfur in Mineral Oil Standards Sulfur in Diesel Fuel Standards Sulfur in Isooctane Standards Sulfur in Kerosene Standards Sulfur in Crude Oil Standards Sulfur in Residual Oil Standards 基体油和溶剂 Matrix Oils and Solvents 硫和氯的标准 Sulfur and Nitrogen Standards 紫外荧光硫标准 Sulfur Standards for UV Fluorescence 标准比色法硫标准 Sulfur Standards for Ratiometric Colorimetry 硫醇和硫化氢标准 Mercaptan and Hydrogen Sulfide Standards 含硫化合物的选择性检测 Sulfur Compounds by Selective Detection 氯油标准 Chlorine in Oil Standards 标准汽油中的含铅量分析 Standards for Lead in Gasoline Analysis 油品物理测试标准 Petroleum Physical Test Standards 闪点参考资料 Flash Point Reference Materials 粘度参考资料 Viscosity Reference Standards 倾点参考资料 Pour Point Reference Materials 浊点参考资料 Cloud Point Reference Materials 冰点参考资料 Freezing Point Reference Materials 蒸馏标准 Distillation Standards TAN和TBN参考资料 TAN and TBN Reference Materials


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