HPLC Troubleshooting guide

  1. 类别:操作维修手册
  2. 上传人:cafu2000
  3. 上传时间:2005/10/9 20:45:52
  4. 文件大小:802K
  5. 下载次数:68
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HPLC Troubleshooting 1. Column Life-Time 2. Variable Retention Times 3. Drifting Retention Times 4. Column-to-Column and Batch-to-Batch Reproducibility 5. Sample Preparation Problems 6. Sources of Peak Tailing 7. Normal-Phase Chromatography 8. System Volume, Dead Volume, Dwell Volume 9. Transfer of Gradient Methods 10. Clogged System 11. Column Plate-Count 12. Column Backpressure 13. Peak Area Fluctuations 14. Ghost Peaks 15. Dependence of Retention Times on pH 16. Column Equilibration 17. Column Conditioning 18. Complex Sample Matrices 19. Hydrophobic Collapse 20. Baseline Noise 21. Narrow-bore Columns 22. Sample Solvent 23. Gradient Scaling 24. Column Storage 25. Paired-Ion Chromatography 26. Hydrolytic Stability of Reversed-Phase Packings 27. Optimal Flow Rates 28. Carbon Load 29. pH Control 30. Mobile Phase Composition 31. Column Contamination 32. Method Verification 33. Double Peaks in Sugar Separations 34. Method Control 35. Mobile Phase pH 36. Signal-to-Noise Improvements 37. Overload 38. Column Durability 39. Fast Analysis and Column Backpressure 40. Column Backflushing 41. Selectivity Shift 42. New Method 43. Negative Peaks 44. Tricky, Tedious, Time Consuming 45. Fast Separations 46. Buffers for LC/MS 47. Alkaline Buffers for RPLC 48. Post-Column Derivatization 49. Gradient Dwell Volume 50. Buffer Capacity 51. Flow Rate Changes and Quantitation 52. Analysis of polar compounds


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