Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry 8th Edition

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  2. 上传人:sioc2000
  3. 上传时间:2010/8/15 13:16:14
  4. 文件大小:31778K
  5. 下载次数:174
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Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry By Douglas A. Skoog, Donald M. West, F. James Holler, Stanley R. Crouch Book Description: FUNDAMENTALS OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,EIGHTH EDITION is known for its readability combined with a systematic,rigorous approach that characterizes this classic text. Extensivecoverage of the principles and practices of quantitative chemistryensures suitability for chemistry majors. These award-winning authorsinclude applications throughout industry, medicine, and all the sciences.The text''s new design and wealth of new photographs by renownedchemistry photographer Charlie Winters serve to reinforce studentlearning through dynamic visuals. Reflecting the increased emphasis ofspreadsheets as a tool in analytical chemistry, this new edition addsan additional chapter, new problems and a new supplement, EXCEL®APPLICATIONS FOR ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, that integrate this importantaspect of the studyof analytical chemistry into its already rich pedagogy. In addition,the INTERACTIVE ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY CD-ROM, packaged FREE with everynew text, enhances conceptual understanding through hands-on integratedmultimedia interactivity.


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