Restek 测苯甲酸的方法

  1. 类别:分析方法/应用文章
  2. 上传人:高比科技
  3. 上传时间:2010/8/31 10:38:08
  4. 文件大小:101K
  5. 下载次数:72
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US EPA Method 8270D by GC/MS Rtx®-XLB Rtx®-XLB, 20m, 0.18mm ID, 0.18μm (cat.# 42802) Sample: US EPA Method 8270D mix: 8270 MegaMix™ (cat.# 31850), benzoic acid (cat.# 31415), benzidine (cat.# 31441), 2,4-dinitrophenol (cat.# 31291), Acid Surrogate Mix (4/89 SOW) (cat.# 31063), B/N Surrogate Mix (4/89 SOW) (cat.# 31062) Inj.: 0.5μL, 5ppm each analyte (2.5ng on column) (2.5ppm/1.25ng on column for 3-methylphenol and 4-methylphenol) 2mm splitless cyclo double gooseneck injector liner (cat.# 20907); splitless hold time 0.15 min.; pressure pulse: 0.20 min. @30psi GC: Agilent 6890 Inj. temp.: 270°C Carrier gas: helium Flow rate: 1.2mL/min., constant flow Oven temp.: 40°C (hold 0.5 min.) to 90°C @ 14°C/min. (no hold) to 330°C @ 22°C/min. (hold 1 min.) Det.: Agilent 5973 GC/MS Transfer line temp.: 280°C Scan range: 35–550 amu Solvent delay: 1 min. Tune: DFTPP Ionization: EI


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