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HydroScat后向散射仪自1997年商业化以来,已经在海洋、水色遥感等研究领域发表大量文献。以下为收集整理的相关文献,供参考。发表具有代表性杂志: Science, Applied Optics, Geophysical research, Remote Sensing of Environment, Optical properties of marine particles, Remote Sensing, Atmospheric and Oceanict Echnology等 1. Dariusz Stramski, Rick A. Reynolds, Mati Kahru, et al. Estimation of Particulate Organic Carbon in the Ocean from Satellite Remote Sensing[J]. Science,1999, 285 (5425): 239 - 242 3. David McKee,Alex Cunningham.Evidence for wavelength dependence of the scattering phase function and its implication for modeling radiance transfer in shelf seas[J]. Applied Optics, 2005,1(44):126-135 4. Ryszard Hapter, Slawomir Kaczmarek, and Joanna Ston. Bio-optical relationships and ocean color algorithms for the north polar region of the Atlantic[J]. Geophysical research, 2003,108 (C5,3143):1-17 5. G. H. Tilstone, G. F. Moore, K. Sørensen. et al. Regional Validation of MERIS Chlorophyll products in North Sea coastal waters[M]. Development of Generic Earth Observation Technologies,2001 6. M. A. Moline, T. Bergmann, W. P. Bissett, J. et al. Integrating Optics And Biology: Estimation Of Bioluminescence Leaving Radiance From An Autonomous Vertical Profiler[J].1-10 7. Stavn, Robert H., Spiering, Bruce A.,Gould, Richard W...d Biogeo-Optics:Backscattering Cross Sections for Suspended Mineral and Organic Matter in the Coastal and Near-Coastal Ocean[M]. Physical And Dynamic Oceanography Optics,2004,10


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