MIT 麻省理工学院 - 《物理化学Ⅱ》教案 1-15

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  3. 上传时间:2005/12/30 8:55:06
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Physical Chemistry II(1-15).rar Physical Chemistry II, Spring 2004 资源来自于麻省理工学院化学系课件,麻省理工学院化学系是全美顶尖的化学系之一。它历史悠久,成绩显著,具有麻省理工学院的优良传统。它也是全国化学教育和研究领域的楷模。 本系的辉煌成就与我们在化学研究领域开拓性的进步,以及将其成功地融入教学和研究,还有与政府及产业界的密切合作都是密不可分的。 课程简介Course Description This subject deals primarily with elementary statistical mechanics, transport properties, kinetic theory, solid state, reaction rate theory, and chemical reaction dynamics. Acknowledgements The lecture note materials for this course include contributions from Professor Sylvia T. Ceyer. The Staff for this course would like to acknowledge that these course materials include contributions from past instructors, textbooks, and other members of the MIT Chemistry Department affiliated with course #5.62. Since the following works have evolved over a period of many years, no single source can be attributed. 课程特点Highlights of this Course This course includes a full set of 讲义. 1Assemblies, Ensembles, and The Ergodic Hypothesis (PDF) 2 E, A, and S: Macroscopic Properties from Microscopic Probabilities {Pi} (PDF) 3 Canonical Partition Function: Replace {Pi} by Q (PDF) 4 Microcanonical Ensemble (PDF) 5 Molecular Partition Function: Replace E Assembly by E Molecule (PDF) 6 Q Corrected for Molecular Indistinguishability (PDF) 7 Boltzmann, Fermi-Dirac, and Bose-Einstein Statistics (PDF) 8 Translational Part of Boltzmann Partition Function (PDF) 9 Macroscopic Quantities from Qtrans (PDF) 10 Quantum vs. Classical Qtrans. Equipartition. Internal Degrees of Freedom (PDF) 11 Internal Degrees of Freedom for Atoms and Diatomic Molecules (PDF) 12 Rotational Partition Function. Equipartition (PDF) 13 Nuclear Spin Statistics: Symmetry Number, Sigma (PDF) 14 Polyatomic Molecules (PDF) 15 Polyatomic Molecules (cont.) Exam Review PCS/KN 16 Chemical Equilibrium I (PDF) 17 Chemical Equilibrium II Examples (PDF) (PDF 2) 18 Model Intermolecular Potentials (PDF) 19 Configurational Integral: Cluster Expansion (PDF) 20 Virial Equation of State (PDF) 21 Thermodynamics of Solids (PDF) Some Nice Online Dynamical Illustrations of Acoustic Modes: Phonon Java Program, Atomic Vibrations in Crystals Simulation 22 Einstein -> Debye Solids (PDF) 23 Phonons: 1-D Linear Chain of Atoms (PDF) 24 Free Electron Theory of a Metal (PDF) 25 Heat Capacity in Metals: Fermi Energy(PDF) 26 Semiconductors (PDF) 27 Crystal Phase Equilibria and Critical Phenomena (PDF - 1.1 MB) 28 Kinetic Theory of Gases: Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution (PDF) 29 Kinetic Theory of Gases: Collisions with Walls, Ideal Gas Law, Effusion (PDF) 30 Kinetic Theory of Gases: Collisions Between Molecules, Scattering, Mean Free Path (PDF) 31 Kinetic Theory of Gases: Mean Free Path and Transport (PDF) 32 Kinetic Theory of Gases: Transport Coefficients (PDF) 33 Chemical Reaction Rates I Kinetic Theory (PDF) 34 Chemical Reaction Rates II Transition State Theory (PDF) 35 Rice, Ramsperger, Kassel, and Marcus Unimolecular Reaction Rate Theory (PDF) 36 Classical Trajectories and Reaction Rates and/or Surprisal Analysis (Nonequilibrium SM) 37 Statistical Mechanics for Photons: How Statistical Mechanics Begat Quantum Mechanics


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