BCEIA^99分析技术与仪器评议报告---- 核磁共振技术的新发展

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核磁共振谱仪在经历了半个世纪的发展后,已经成为分子科学、材料科学和生命科学 不同领域中不可缺少的一种极其重要的研究方法。伴随着高新技术、仪表自动化、计 算机技术的发展,NMR新技术、新方法也不断涌现。在1999年第八届BCEIA仪器参展会 上,国外主要NMR仪参展的厂家有:美国的Varian公司,德国的Bruker公司,日本的 Jeol公司以及第一次参展的英国共振仪器有限公司。每家公司都充分显示和推出了这 二年在NMR仪方面的新技术和新进展。 本界BCEIA会上,NMR仪最引人注目的进展是德国Bruker公司推出的新一代的NMR探头 调谐匹配技术的完全自动化。对不同样品和不同溶剂,只需几秒钟即可实现对每一样 品的自动调谐和匹配,从而保证90度脉冲的最佳设置,并提高仪器的灵敏度。此外 Bruker公司还推出了新产品-----综合型的NMR化学分析仪-INCA系统(300~ 400MHz)。实现了Bruker超导磁体和WindowsNT计算机操作平台和可程序化的用户界 面的一体化。除了电缆和压缩空气外,其它外部联接全部去除,其体积大大缩小,应 用方便,并将为INCA系统应用到LC-NMR仪中创造了较好的条件。 核磁共振技术在生物和药品科学中的应用日益广泛。美国的Varian公司的LC-NMR联用 技术又获得了新的进展。其新技术的特点为: 1、采用WET技术,可同时压制多种溶剂峰及卫星峰。采用ScoutScan自动跟踪技术探 测溶剂峰的化学位移的变化。根据不同样品采用三种易于操作的模式:停止流动法、 流动法和收集法。LC-NMR采用微流探头,检测灵敏度高(对停止流动法检测限为 0.1? g,流动法检测限为3? g ),可作复温和梯度场1H-19F{13C/15N}间接检测。 2、 Varian公司还推出了新的软件---VnmrJ--设计用于网络,即保留了Vnmr的所有 强大功能,还提供了用Java语言编写的与机器无关的用户界面。新的用于同位素标记 蛋白质NMR结构分析技术的-- Proteinpack和 Rnapack软件它包括复杂的脉冲序列, 参数组和自动探头/系统,样品标定程序。此外,用于NMR脉冲序列设计的--SpinCAD 软件,操作简单,直观性强,用户通过鼠标即可完成脉冲程序的设计。 纵观参展仪器,其基本特点或发展趋势是高自动化、高灵敏度、高性能,以及产品的 系列小型台式化。新技术和新软件的不断推出,为NMR更广泛的应用提供了广阔的天 地。 Advances in Techniques of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Abstract During the 8th BCEIA , there were 4 exhibited,the main exhibit are:INCA(Bruker,Germany) ,Inova(Varian,America) ,MARAN(resonance Instruments Ltd. Britain),and Lambda(Jeol,Japan). Bruker developed new Generation of automation probeheads for NMR. The new probeheads feature computer-controlled automatic tuning and matching. For every individual sample, automatic tuning and matching can be performed in just a few seconds. So that 90? pules width will be always correct for every sample to be measured and the sensitiity for every sample will be optimum. Note that the benefits of this new probehead technology are not just in performance; operational convenience is also improved in a very significant way. The INCA is a new paradigm in Bruker approach to NMR instruments. The INCA Combines Bruker^s UltrashieldTM superconducting magnets with the superior AvanceTM console and a WindowsTM NT computer in a single,rugged, easy-to-transport enclosure. The INCA provides a easu use,yet very robust systems solution for routine Analysis. The main features of Inova of Varian^s instruments could be concluded into followings: 1, the characteristics of Varian NMR instruments: Using WET techenology to suppress the solvent peaks and the satellite peaks;Scout ScanTM is used automatically to track the solvent frequency information; LC-NMR can be operated in three ways: stop-flow, on-flow and off-line collection; For equipping with the standard LC-NMR Microflow probe, the detection sensitivity is high. 2. Varian^s new Softwares: VnmrJ-designed for a network world, VnmrJ brings all the power of VNMR to a new user machine independent interface written in Java; ProteinPack and RnaPack-techniques for NMR structure analysis of isotopically-labeled proteins; SpinCAD-Used for NMR ulse sequence design. It is very easy and intuitive, user can use "drag and drop" by mouse to complete the design of pulse sequence.


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