Goat anti- Chicken Interleukin 6

  1. 类别:仪器样本
  2. 上传人:上海信裕
  3. 上传时间:2014/4/17 15:30:14
  4. 文件大小:83K
  5. 下载次数:0
  6. 消耗积分 : 免积分



Goat anti- Chicken Interleukin 6 Collect Sample – serum or blood plasma Storage: 2 - 8 °C Package size: 96 determinations PRINCIPLE OF THE METHOD The IL-6 kit is a solid phase phase sandwich enzyme linked immuno sorbent assay(ELISA). Samples , including standards of known IL-6 concentrations and unknowns are pipetted into these wells. During the first incubation, the IL-6 antigen and a biotinylated monoclonal antibody specific for IL-6 are simultaneously incubated. After washing, the enzyme(streptavidin-peroxydase)is added. After incubation and washing to remove all the unbound enzyme, a substrate solution which is acting on the bound enzyme is added to induce a coloured reaction product. The intensity of this coloured product is directly proportional to the concentration of IL-6 present in the samples.


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