Rat anti-guinea pig Interleukin- 6

  1. 类别:仪器样本
  2. 上传人:上海信裕
  3. 上传时间:2014/4/21 10:06:11
  4. 文件大小:708K
  5. 下载次数:0
  6. 消耗积分 : 免积分



Rat anti-guinea pig Interleukin- 6 Collect Sample – serum or blood plasma Package size: 96 determinations Catalogue No.: QRCT –653165EIA \ UTL Storage: 2 - 8 °C I. INTRODUCTION The IL-6 can be synthesize, included by various cells T cell that activate is with the B cell, single cell, inside skin cell, top skin cell and fiber cell etc L-6 genes locate the No.7th chromosome the top;IL-6 molecular weight at 21.The IL-6 be constituted by 2 sugar egg whites;1 is a α, molecular weight 80 kD;Another 1 is a β, molecular weight 130 kD.The αbe in need ofs the afterbirth inside District, can match the sex and IL-6 combinations with the low, and become compound and fast to namely join together with the sex's βwith high , an


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