Use of wheat flour analytical characteristics for predicting the Simulator Mixolab measurements

  1. 类别:分析方法/应用文章
  2. 上传人:KPM
  3. 上传时间:2014/4/22 11:27:43
  4. 文件大小:195K
  5. 下载次数:3
  6. 消耗积分 : 免积分



Abstract: - Data describing the flour analytical characteristics (wet gluten content, gluten deformation index, falling number index, ash content, moisture content, protein content) and dough rheological parameters using the Mixolab device with “Simulator” protocol were analyzed by principal component analysis and multivariate prediction models was developed. Principal component analysis (PCA) identifies that the first two principal components account for 99.81 % of the total variance for all the data sets. Significant correlations (p < 0.05 and p < 0.01) between the analytical characteristics of wheat flour and dough rheological parameters were found. The result of backward multiple regressions method related that protein content (PR) and gluten deformation index (GDI) could be used to predict Simulator Mixolab parameters water absorption (CH) and dough weakening (WE), at a 95% confidence interval. Key-Words: - wheat flour, rheological properties, Mixolab, multivariate statistical analysis


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