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  2. 上传人:元中光学
  3. 上传时间:2004/3/29 10:06:07
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The polarising microscope is basically a regular microscope combined with a pair of polarising filters and other accessories. This combination is made in order to observe the optical properties of double refracting materials such as crystals. The polarising microscope was originally developed for investigating crystalline structures within rocks and minerals. However, this microscope has now come to be used for research and examinations in medical and biological fields, as well as in such industrial fields as abestos identification chemicals, fibres, materials, electronics, and forensics Improved performance of the polarising microscope combined with a full line of accessories has made it possible to perform operations such as detecting minute double refracting materials and measuring retardation. These operations were previously not possible with simple polarising microscopes. The Applications of Polarising Microscopy explains and provides many examples of how polarising microscopes are currently being used in various fields. In order for the polarising microscope to be easily comprehended by all users, explanations have been made as simple as possible. We hope that this manual will be a valuable source of information both for firsttime users, as well as those already using the polarising microscope.


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