Fuel Cell Handbook (Fifth Edition)燃料电池手册

  1. 类别:其他资料
  2. 上传人:fatekiller
  3. 上传时间:2006/10/11 20:23:30
  4. 文件大小:2555K
  5. 下载次数:99
  6. 消耗积分 : 10积分 移动终端:免积分



U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology赞助,Mark C. Williams作序,堪称燃料电池领域经典之作。 LaboratoryFuel cells are an important technology for a potentially wide variety of applications including micropower, auxiliary power, transportation power, stationary power for buildings and other distributed generation applications, and central power. These applications will be in a large number of industries worldwide. This edition of the Fuel Cell Handbook is more comprehensive than previous versions in that it includes several changes. First, calculation examples for fuel cells are included for the wide variety of possible applications. This includes transportation and auxiliary power applications for the first time. In addition, the handbook includes a separate section on alkaline fuel cells. The intermediate temperature solid-state fuel cell section is being developed. In this edition, hybrids are also included as a separate section for the first time. Hybrids are some of the most efficient power plants ever conceived and are actually being demonstrated. Finally, an updated list of fuel cell URLs is included in the Appendix and an updated index assists the reader in locating specific information quickly. It is an important task that NETL undertakes to provide you with this handbook. We realize it is an important educational and informational tool for a wide audience. We welcome suggestions to improve the handbook. Mark C. Williams Strategic Center for Natural Gas National Energy Technology Laboratory


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