Real-Time in Vivo Imaging of Stem Cells

  1. 类别:分析方法/应用文章
  2. 上传人:朗诚科技
  3. 上传时间:2006/12/27 15:42:25
  4. 文件大小:330K
  5. 下载次数:173
  6. 消耗积分 : 免积分



Previous studies have identified Sleeping Beauty transposons as efficient vectors for nonviral gene delivery in mammalian cells. However, studies demonstrating the usefulness of transposons as gene delivery vehicles into adult stem cells are lacking. Multipotent adult progenitor cells (MAPC) are nonhematopoietic stem cells with the capacity to form most, if not all, cell types of the body and as such hold great therapeutic potential. The whole-body biodistribution and persistence of MAPC are unknown, and such data would help direct clinical applications. We have nucleofected murine MAPC with two plasmid-based Sleeping Beauty transposons encoding the red fluorescent protein (DsRed2) and firefly luciferase. Transgenic euploid MAPC clones maintained their characteristic multilineage differentiation potential in vitro. DsRed2 and luciferase expression allowed for MAPC detection in vivo and in tissue sections. To confirm that transgenesis occurred by transposition into the genome of MAPC, we mapped Sleeping Beauty transposon integration sites in two MAPC clones using splinkerette PCR. This novel dual-reporter imaging approach based on the transgenesis of MAPC with Sleeping Beauty transposons sheds light on the homing patterns of MAPC and paves the way for quantification of MAPC engraftment in real time in vivo.


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