Vista ICP-AES Pre-installation manual

  1. 类别:操作维修手册
  2. 上传人:东北虎
  3. 上传时间:2004/10/18 17:11:01
  4. 文件大小:778K
  5. 下载次数:77
  6. 消耗积分 : 10积分 移动终端:免积分



This publication contains the information required to successfully prepare a site for a Varian Vista Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometer system installation. On completion of the site preparation, fill in the check-list, (striking out those entries not applicable), and send the completed, signed pre-installation check-list to your local Varian agent or Varian sales and service office. As soon as it is received, Varian or its agent will contact you to arrange a convenient time for installation. In case of difficulty in preparing for the installation, and for details of operator training courses, please contact your Varian Sales or Customer Support Representative at the address given below:


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  • 1、下载文件需消耗流量,最好在wifi的环境中下载,如果使用3G、4G下载,请注意文件大小
  • 2、下载的文件一般是pdf、word文件,下载后如不能直接浏览,可到应用商店中下载相应的阅读器APP。
  • 3、下载的文件如需解压缩,如果手机没有安装解压缩软件,可到应用商店中下载相应的解压缩APP。