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自噬相关蛋白4B抗体 Background: Autophagy is the process by which endogenous proteins and damaged organelles are destroyed intracellularly. Autophagy is postulated to be essential for cell homeostasis and cell remodeling during differentiation, metamorphosis, non-apoptotic cell death, and aging. Reduced levels of autophagy have been described in some malignant tumors, and a role for autophagy in controlling the unregulated cell growth linked to cancer has been proposed. This gene encodes a member of the autophagin protein family. The encoded protein is also designated as a member of the C-54 family of cysteine proteases. Alternate transcriptional splice variants, encoding different isoforms, have been characterized. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008] Also known as: APG4B; ATG4 autophagy related 4 homolog B (S. cerevisiae); AUT like 1 cysteine endopeptidase; AUTL1; Autophagin 1; Autophagy related cysteine endopeptidase 1; Autophagy related protein 4 homolog B; Cysteine protease ATG4B; hAPG4B; MGC1353br.


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