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衔接因子蛋白含pH域蛋白1抗体 Background: The protein encoded by this gene has been shown to be involved in the regulation of cell proliferation, and in the crosstalk between the adiponectin signalling and insulin signalling pathways. The encoded protein binds many other proteins, including RAB5A, DCC, AKT2, PIK3CA, adiponectin receptors, and proteins of the NuRD/MeCP1 complex. This protein is found associated with endosomal membranes, but can be released by EGF and translocated to the nucleus. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008] Also known as: Adapter protein containing PH domain; Adaptor Protein Containing pH Domain; Adaptor protein containing pH domain PTB domain and leucine zipper motif 1; Adaptor protein containing pH domain PTB domain and leucine zipper motif; AKT2 INTERACTOR; APPL 1; APPL1; DCC interacting protein 13 alpha; DCC-interacting protein 13-alpha; DIP 13 alpha; DIP13 alpha; Dip13-alpha; DIP13alpha; DP13A_HUMAN; KIAA1428; PTB domain and leucine zipper motif 1; PTB Domain and Leucine Zipper Motif; Signaling adaptor protein DIP13alpha.


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