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蛋白激酶A锚定蛋白6抗体 Background: The A Kinase Anchor proteins (AKAPs) are a group of structurally diverse proteins, which have the common function of binding to the regulatory subunit of protein kinase A (PKA) and confining the holoenzyme to discrete locations within the cell. AKAP6 is a member of the AKAP family. It is highly expressed in various brain regions and cardiac and skeletal muscle. It is specifically localized to the sarcoplasmic reticulum and nuclear membrane, and is involved in anchoring PKA to the nuclear membrane or sarcoplasmic reticulum. Also known as: A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 6; A kinase anchor protein 100; A kinase anchor protein 100 kDa; A kinase anchor protein 6; ADAP 100; ADAP 6; ADAP100; ADAP6; AKAP 100; AKAP 6; AKAP100; Human A kinase anchor protein AKAP100; KIAA0311; mAKAP; PRKA 6; PRKA6; Protein kinase A anchoring protein 6; AKAP6_HUMAN.蛋白激酶A锚定蛋白6抗体


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