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  2. 上传人:沪震生物
  3. 上传时间:2015/1/26 9:14:13
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锚蛋白重复域6抗体 Background: Diversin, also known as ANKRD6 (ankyrin repeat domain 6), is a 727 amino acid protein that contains eight ankyrin repeats and belongs to the ankyrin repeat domain protein family. Members of the ankyrin repeat domain family facilitate protein-protein interactions and function as adaptors of signaling pathways. Expressed in a developmentally-regulated manner and at highest levels in the brain, Diversin is believed to play a role in brain development. Via its ankyrin repeats, Diversin can directly interact with Dvl (dishevelled), an interaction that is essential for the activation of noncanonical Wnt signaling. In addition, Diversin contains a C-terminal domain that binds Axin/Conductin and a casein kinase-binding domain in its central region that specifically binds casein kinase Ié. Through the action of these additional domains, Diversin may also facilitate canonical Wnt signaling. Due to alternative splicing events, three Diversin isoforms exist. Also known as: ANKRD 6; ankyrin repeat domain 6; ANKR6_HUMAN; Ankyrin repeat domain-containing protein 6; Diversin.锚蛋白重复域6抗体


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