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ATP5G2蛋白抗体 Background: Mitochondrial ATP synthase is composed of two multi-subunit complexes that utilize an inner membrane electrochemical gradient to catalyze the synthesis of ATP during oxidative phosphorylation. The two multi-subunit complexes are designated F1 and F0, the former of which comprises the soluble catalytic core and the latter of which comprises the membrane-spanning proton channel of ATP synthase. F1 consists of five distinct subunits, designated ATP5A, ATP5B, ATP5C1, ATP5D and ATP5E, while F0 consists of ten subunits, designated ATP5H, ATP5G1, ATP5I, ATP5G2, ATP5J2, ATP5J, ATP5G3, ATP5S, ATP5F1 and ATP5L. ATP5G1, ATP5G2 and ATP5G3 localize to the mitochondrial membrane and exist as subunits of the F0 complex. ATP5G2 exists as three alternatively spliced isoforms. Also known as: ATP synthase H+ transporting mitochondrial F0 complex subunit c subunit 9 isoform 2; ATP synthase H+ transporting mitochondrial F0 complex subunit C2; ATP synthase H+ transporting mitochondrial F0 complex subunit C2 subunit 9; ATP synthase lipid binding protein mitochondrial; ATP synthase proteolipid P2; ATPase protein 9; ATPase subunit c; Mitochondrial ATP synthase subunit C subunit 9 isoform 2; OTTHUMP00000164642; AT5G2_HUMAN.ATP5G2蛋白抗体


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